Re: [Cz-L]DEAD & GONE!

From: Lucca <>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 19:06:43 +0200
To: Edgar Hauster <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>
Reply-to: Lucca <>

I looked at the Leichenbegaengnis (funeral) described in "Der Tag
There is mention of many people who attended it, and I was looking for one,
just ONE, person without a Dr. in front of the name...
Amazing!!! So many doctors in our Czernowitz!
It's a comforting thought that if the war wouldn't have messed up my youth,
it's quite probable that I would be a doctor too!

 Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <>
To: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <>
Cc: "Klaus Binder" <>; "Martina Lelgemann"
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: [Cz-L]DEAD & GONE!


In a few days time, on 13.03.1933/2011, the Czernowitzer newspaper "Der
Tag - The Day" is celebrating it's first annual day of birth. Read more in
the special edition on 12.03.1933/2011:

On this occasion, we've excerpted all deaths, suicides, funerals, memorial
ceremonies, etc. out of the newspaper and just launched a new section,
headlined DEAD & GONE.

>From 13.03.1932 through 05.03.1933, we have registered the following
entries/articles, sorted by year and in alphapetical order:

Selig Abrahamowicz, Paul Ballo, Berl Bauer, Helene Bibring, Josef Birnberg,
Jüdel Blum, Jakob Buchbinder, Vinzenz Cernautean, Siegmund Chodrower, Pepi
Choloney, Juda Deligdisch, Isidor Eckstein, Helene Feiner (Adler), Rachel
Geiger, Bernhard Gewölb, David Gingold, Josef Glaser, Dr. Leon Goldfarb,
Salomon Goldschmidt, Jakob Gottlieb, Feige Hain, Berta Herdan, Cilli
Holzmann (Katz), Dr. Julius Kiesler, Hania Kohn (Eckstein), Alexander
Kuzmany, Berta Langer, Elka Laufer (Rosenberg), Anita Natalia Lazarovici,
Michalina Lewicka, Dr. David Lille, Wanda von Lukaszewicz, Alois Maresch,
Simion Medvighi, Moritz Meisler, Alexander Morariu, Regina Nestel
(Chaskalowicz), Eugeniu Popescu, Dr. Athanasie Pridie, Hilda Puder,
Ernestine Redinger (Wiegler), Aspasia Riebauer (von Czerkawski-Jelita),
Ignatz Romanciuc, Hermann Rosenheck, Ernestine Runes, Benjamin Salter,
Rafael Schaffer, Gustav Schapira, Rosa Schärf (Rennert), Dr. med. Isidor
Sereth, Honora Silbermann, Leib Storfer, Gavrill Teleaga, Wilhelm Tittinger,
Constantin Velisari, Konstantin Wassilko-Serecki, Dr. Lazar Weinreb, Rudolf

Michailo Doiciuk, Filimon Procepciuc, Jakob Rath, Mihai Saghin, Jakob Sauer,
Ständer, Zamfira Zeiworan

Paul Ballo, Helene Bibring, Anna Feller, Dr. Jakob Fleischer, Jakob
Gottlieb, Dr. Konstantin Klym, Moritz Meisler, Dr. Athanasie Pridie, Dr.
Hermann Sommer, Elieser Steinberg (Eliezer Steinbarg), Franz Stubam, Wilhelm
Tittinger, Regina Tuttmann, Henryk Zucker

Jakob Buchbinder, Mische Leib Halpern, Moritz Picker, Dr. Jakob Pistiner,
Elieser Steinberg (Eliezer Steinbarg), Nathan Tropper

Rosa Ehrlich, Gusta Heitner (Sternstein), Nussen Lakner, Regina Lehrer
(Hollenberg), Wiliu Rechter, Freide Schattner, Selig Sternstein


Dr. Josef Allerhand, Dawid Altmann, Dr. Jakob Berger, Dr. Arthur Blaukopf,
Constantin Bordeiuc, Mr. Ph. Josef Focsaneanu, Dr. Vasile Gherasim, Angelika
von Glinski (Edle von Jana Manowarda), Adolf Grauer, George Grossar, Frieda
Hofer, Dr. Osias Hönich, Dr. Sophie Inbroane, Arnold Kislinger, Johann
Klepsch, Dr. Albrecht Knittel, Kornel Kozak, Bertha Kumetz (Körner), Susi
Rosenrauch (Gottlieb), Simon Schrenzel, Emanuel Singer, Helena Stefanovici,
Fanny Straucher, Rebekka Thaler (Koppelmann), Wilhelm Trichter, Victor
Vlaicu, Louise Weißglas (Weißelberg), Zimmet

Andrei Cuzic

Mr. Ph. Josef Focsaneanu, Arnold Kislinger

Dr. Arthur Blaukopf, Mr. Ph. Josef Focsaneanu, Dr. Vasile Gherasim, Arnold
Kislinger, Fanny Straucher

Sophie Schuller

Mr. Ph. Josef Focsaneanu, Arnold Kislinger


What's next, in case you have discovered a potential relative among the
above listing? Please proceed as follows:

1. Go to the website of "Der Tag - The Day"

2. Go to the section "DEAD & GONE" by clicking on the nice funeral carriage
or just enter

3. Go to the year you are looking for, by clicking on the respective funeral

4. Use the search function of your browser enterinng as key word the name
you are looking for.

5. Please note that the mentioned date is the date of release of the article
and NOT the date of the event.

6. For transcriptions please go to the "Der Tag - Forum" or adress to me!


I do hope these data will be useful to you. For additional questions please
don't hesitate to contact me. It wouldn't be reverent to say "Enjoy the
section Dead & Gone!", but however enjoy the potential results of your

Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands

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