From: Judith Baker <>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2011 13:13:04 -0800
Reply-to: Judith Baker <>

My paternal grandparents (Meyers and Barth) came to the US from Czernowitz =
in the early 1900s. Growing up in New York=2C I often heard them speak nos=
talgically about Czernowitz---therefore=2C I had always hoped to visit that=

This past fall=2C I finally got the opportunity when my husband and I took =
a 3 month driving tour around Europe. After spending several weeks in Roman=
ia=2C we drove up into Ukraine to Czernowitz. Through a travelers' group th=
at we belong to=2C we arranged to stay with a young medical doctor. We wer=
e to stay 3 nights.

The young man was delightful. About 30 years old=2C he has his MD and full =
residency in dermatology. However=2C he works at present as a medical stati=
stician. Why=2C we wondered=2C when clearly doctors are needed. The answer =
was that he will have to PAY the equivalent of of US $5=2C000 in order to o=
btain a clinical hospital position. We were astonished! We thought this mu=
st be a mistake....or perhaps we were not quite understanding what he was s=
aying. But later on=2C we met a schoolteacher and other people who say tha=
t it is absolutely normal in Ukraine now to have to buy your job....or pay =
a bribe=2C whichever way you look at it.

This young man could go to another country where has skills and training wo=
uld be welcome=3B however=2C he has family in Czernowitz and therefore feel=
s committed to stay there. So Czernowitz may have many doctors=2C but I wo=
nder how many of them are working and of those that are working=2C how many=
 had to "buy" their jobs.

Judy Baker
San Diego=2C California

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edit extensively each message that is not in plain text. Even after editing, the
message has a bunch of embedded strange characters. Instructions for posting
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> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L]DEAD & GONE!
> Date: Mon=2C 7 Mar 2011 20:09:17 +0100
> Lucca=2C
> I find your mail wonderful !!!
> Maybe all of us could become doctors .....
> Regards.
> Lydia.

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