Re: [Cz-L] Ice cream.

From: frieda tabak <>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 05:19:22 -0800
To: HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>,, Hedwig Brenner <>
Reply-to: frieda tabak <>

I, too, believe in miracles. My uncle and father were also taken on that day to be executed. Upon returning they told us that the machine guns were all set up facing them. And then...THE MIRACLE, they, too, came home the next day.
--- On Thu, 3/10/11, Hedwig Brenner <> wrote:

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Ice cream.
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2011, 5:02 AM

Hi Hardy,
I have no intention to correct you, but the HQ of the Gestapo was in the "Schwarzer Adler", The "biggest man" was Obersturmbannfuehrer Major Finger...I told you, once upon the time, my experience, but shortly, I will repeat it..
The next week after the execution of the 300 jews, incl. Dr Mark, the SS shut some streets,also the Maria-Theresiengasse (Miron Costin) 4 SSman, ghided by the ucrainian porter, came to all jewish appartments and arrested the men, also my husband and all jewish neighbours. They pushed them to the waiting cars (100 men) and up to the Officers house....where they were hold, to be executed, like the previous execution..I rushed after the cars, on the Theater-place, where some hundred women, children, old men were waiting,, because the same "Action" was in the Massarykgasse, and other streets.. I stood nearby the entranace when an german officer in an light blue uniform came out..My guardian angel whispered go , speek to him, and I went strait to him, asking: "Mister officer, (I did not know his grade) what will be with the arrested men...He smiled and said.'I am a pilot, and I hope for you that the men will reconstruct the bridge"  I went in the afternoon
 to the HQ, to get an audience to Major Finger (I was always a bit crazy) but he was in a meeting,so I waited
outside..It began to german uniform came along on the street, it was the one I asked in the morming what will be with the arrested men, he recognized me and asked whom I have there. My husband, was my answer...what is he doing?El. Engeneer from the Deutsche Technische Hochschule, Prague...he looked at me, smiled and said I am going to Major Finger, will see what can I do for you...I was waiting one hour, but in vain...the rain began, it was 6 o'clock, the time for jews to be home....He was a classmate of my husband in Prague..he eliberated my husband and two of his friends...and because the rain was so strong at the time for  the execution was planed, the cars could not get out and after one hour came the order from Bucarest to stop the execution..The next day my husband came home....Do some of you believe in miracle??? I do...
Bests regards from Haifa
Hedwig Brenner
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