[Cz-L] 1945-46 exodus; Jewish resistance in Cz and Bukovina

From: ina lancman <ina.lancman_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 13:57:45 -0500
To: "Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: ina lancman <ina.lancman_at_gmail.com>

Dear Czernowitzers,

This relates somewhat to Mimi's post of march 10th: Waiting to get out.
I lived in Cz from 1945 to 1959. Among the Jews there, the "natives", the pr=
e-war residents, stood out, in various ways. Through my father, also a nati=
ve, I knew many of them. Most had a hard time adjusting to the Soviet realit=
y. These were the people who didn't or couldn't take advantage of the short-=
lived opportunity in 1945 - 1946 to leave. Does anyone know whether there ar=
e any official or nonofficial estimates of the percentage of the Cz Jews who=
Judging by the huge number of abandoned apartments at the time, with everyth=
ing in them intact, the flight must've been on the scale of an exodus. We mo=
ved into one of those apartments, Slovackiegasse 10/2, and many, if not most=
, of my school friends lived in such fully-appointed apartments, down to pot=
s and pans, forks and knives. The apartments were assigned by the authoriti=
es, so the best went to the functionaries or the well-connected.
Some of you took part in the exodus, and some may have heard stories about i=
t. Was the exodus preceded by heated to-leave-or-not-to-leave deliberations a=
nd discussions? Or was the decision a no-brainer for most? And what might ha=
ve been some of the reasons for staying?
A question on a different topic. Right after the war, in 1944, my father, on=
 an assignment from the Moscow-based Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, was coll=
ecting testimonials about the Jewish resistance movement in Bukovina and abo=
ut the Cz. Jews in the Soviet partisan units. Was it something people in Cz w=
ere aware of and talked about after the war? Does anyone know if anything ha=
s been written or published on the subject?
With warm reagards,
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