Re: [Cz-L] Navigating the Yandex map

From: Galina Kharaz <>
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2011 09:20:53 +0300
Reply-to: Galina Kharaz <>
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Czernowitz-L <>

Good morning, Miriam and all!

I want to add that you can see Herrengasse too. For example, you can move t=
map along the Armenian street, past the Armenian cathedral up to the
intersection with Herrengasse. There you can turn right and walk up the
street to Central Square, or turn left - to the end. Probably the same
things and entry for other streets where no vehicular traffic.
I will try to take some photos with an explanation of the map's symbols.

I do not remember if I earlier apologized for my bad English? I'm use Googl=


[please post in plain text --thanks!]

2011/4/9 Miriam Taylor <>

> Thanks to the instructions of Berti Glaubach and Jerry Eshet, I have taug=
> myself to navigate the YANDEX map and like all "oiberchuchems" I am eager
> to
> share my knowledge. I still do not know what you can do with the various
> buttons on the upper left side of the map. Anyone eager to explain?
> When you access the map it will show you a photograph of the
> university,(former residence of the metropolitan). To get a map of the
> city,
> click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the photograph. Now that
> you have the map you can magnify it by clicking on the + sign on the left
> side of the map, or reduce the magnification by clicking on the - sign on
> the left side of the map. By reducing the magnification, you increase the
> size of the area shown. You can also move within the map by clicking on i=
> and dragging it. Now you either have to know Czernowitz quite well, or ha=
> to have one of the maps of Czernowitz, which have the street names in Lat=
> letters. By comparing the two maps you can find the streets you want to
> see.
> Just click on the location you want to see and a photograph will appear o=
> the screen. To increase the magnification of the photograph click on the
> little square with 4 marked corners which is next to the + on the upper
> right corner of the photograph. By clicking the arrows on the street, you
> can "drive" in the direction you want.
> You cannot see streets which are closed to traffic, such as the
> Herrengasse.
> And sometimes you can see only one side of the street.
> But Czernowitz remains beautiful and it looks as if the suburbs are bein=
> gentrified.
> Mimi

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