HI licca,
Seifert was a very famous cleaning factory, also a dying factory...They went
to Germany, like all 12.000 Germans,(there were also some hundreds Ucrains,
who would not stay with the Sovjets, like the Kuczinsky family, he was a
police-inspector in Czernowitz, his sons, twins, came immediatly in the
german army, to SS, the one Willi, was caught in Poland and was executed as
"Kriegsverbrecher", war criminal, as commander of shooting Jews, the other
Fritz died in a battle.).. with the Hitler's Aktion: "Heim ins Reich" (Come
home to the 3.Reich)!
What is an X-Mas Tree? I am an uncultured old woman, I never heard about
this plant???
Love Hedy
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucca" <lucca99_at_netvision.net.il>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Pizellygasse.
> There was also the Seifert Dry Cleaning factory.
> Mrs. Seifert, a friend of my mother's, invited me every X-Mas to admire
> her X-Mas Tree. This was such a thrill, I always went home with chocolates
> and other gifts and full of resentment that we don't have a tree
> ourselves!
> When i voiced this loudly, my super-religious grandfather wanted to disown
> me.
> Lucca
---Received on 2011-03-17 02:19:04
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