Dear Ms Brenner,
Else Mechner was my aunt. I would certainly be interested in the "long
story" how you found her biography, as well as in the biography itself.
My sister Johanna Cooper and I have some of her paintings, which my
father found in Paris and had shipped to New York in the 1970s. My
father had great admiration for Else.
--Francis Mechner
On 3/10/2011 11:15 AM, Hedwig Brenner wrote:
> Hi Mr.Mechner,
> As a member of the Czernowitz list member, I think it is my duty to
> inform you, that the biography of Else Mechner ( I believe she was
> your sister or aunt ?) is in the 3.vol. of my "unconventionnal
> lexicon" "Juedische Frauen in der bildenden Kunst" (Jewish women in
> visual arts).it is a long story how I came over her biography, and if
> you are interested, I shall write you... I read about your foundation
> some months ago and I decided to write you, but I could not find your
> e-mail adress, also I was occupied to finish the 4.vol.
> Bests reguards from Haifa
> Hedwig Brenner
> Attached the cover of the 3.vol
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