Dear Cz. Friends
This week I had visitors from Montreal.
They arrived with a surprise - a note written many years ago by my cousin
Shiku Halperin(Scharf)
regarding 2 siblings of my great grandfather - Shlomo Kalman Klonimus
I never heard the names and I did not know he had any siblings. That same
night I searched Yad Vashem and found 7 cousins to my mother, most of them
perished but one descendant still lives in Haifa and I shall pay him a visit
today. I am very excited!
If any of you knew or heard either of [1] Abraham Scharf who probably had 3
daughters Rosa ,Miriam and Sara who married Joseph Gronich and children were
Melita and Shmuel. Melita married Leizer Cumpana and immigrated to Montreal
where she and daughter Evelyn Segev died in 1992 and 2010 accordingly. I
have already made contact with daughter Sara Aboud.
[2] Zipora Scharf married Pesach Scharf and they had Mendel who married
Golda, Baruch who married Jetti Locker and perhaps more children.
Mendel and Golda and all their children were farmers in the vicinity of
Kisilev. Children were - Baruch who married Peppi Hect ,Shmuel, Zanvel who
married Fruma Feder ,Yakov who married Klara,Chaim who married Malvina and
Michael. All this info I have gathered from Yad Vashem.
If any of you is familiar with the names and personalities, please advise.
Lea Haber Gedalia,Atlit
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---Received on 2011-03-24 02:53:04
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