Re: [Cz-L] Re: Andy Halmay's attitude to Czernowitz/Chernivtsi

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:33:40 +0300
To: Miriam Taylor <>, andy halmay <>, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>

Size is a relative value.
  When we were little - we measured 100 cm from top to bottom.
    The house was 20 meters tall that means 20 times our size.
  Now we are 200 cm tall and only a tenth of the house altitude.
    That means that by relativity the house shrunk by half.
     The few of us who were full size when they left should not
     experience this dimensional illusion.
       Tes, Burgermeister Fedoruk has trouble and is being ousted.

     I do not know exactly why , maybe somebody local explains
 if not too complicated,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "andy halmay" <>; "Czernowitz Genealogy and
History" <>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Re: Andy Halmay's attitude to Czernowitz/Chernivtsi

> We generally think that the buildings, mountains, gardens, we remember
> from
> our childhood, were larger and more magnificent, than they actually were.
> As
> children we had nothing to compare them with. My own memories of
> Czernowitz
> sometimes exaggerate the beauty and size of buildings but at other times
> are
> quite accurate. The small house on the Blumengasse, in which we lived in
> 1940-41, we called a villa, but it was actually a small shabby house when
> I
> next saw it in 2002. From the Yandex map, I now learn that it has acquired
> a
> second floor. The house next to it, in which lived the Landmann family,
> still looks exactly as I remember it.
> The Volksgarten, which set my standard for urban parks, is not central
> park
> in New York, nor the Golden Gate park, but I still consider it a very
> beautiful park and take a walk in it, every time I am in Czernowitz.
> The theatre and the sunken garden in front of it, are still as beautiful
> as
> they were in 1940.
> When I navigate around Czernowitz on the Yandex map, I find some shabby
> streets with shabby unkempt houses, but I also find well maintained, very
> beautiful buildings and streets. The trolleybus, I loved as a child, still
> functions and in our energy strapped era, this is something to be proud
> of.
> When we lived there, Czernowitz had a population of about 100 000. Now the
> population is about double that, but the old center of town has mostly
> been
> well maintained and walking the streets of Czernowitz, whether on foot or
> by
> navigating the Yandex map, is a pleasure.
> I do not believe in "never go back". I want to know the truth, whether
> what
> I remember, is really so, or a figment of my imagination.
> As to the struggle to get the Popovici memorial plaque put up:
> I am quite sure the objections raised by the city administration were due
> to
> the fact that Popovici was Romanian and not due to Anti-Semitism. There
> are
> in Chernivtsi today more memorial plaques to Jewish writers, scientists,
> actors, etc. than in any other Ukrainian city. During the time, when I was
> trying to get permission to have the plaque put up, there appeared on the
> front page, in the local paper published by the Ukrainian association, an
> article condemning the mayor for his attitude to Popovici.
> Andy, any movie or documentary you make, is yours to decide about, but I,
> at
> least, cannot imagine a movie about Popovici, which does not take place
> and
> is filmed in Czernowitz. He was a product of Czernowitz, despite being
> born
> in Fundu Moldavei.
> Currently there is a considerable struggle going on, between the city
> council and the mayor. You might say that the city council has fired the
> mayor. Many people in Chernivtsi want to develop and enhance the city's
> image, as a cultured progressive place. They now have poetry festivals and
> encourage academic conferences.
> I think they will encourage and be helpful to you, should you change your
> mind and film the movie in Czernowitz.
> Mimi

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