[Cz-L] Visit in Czernowitz

From: noemi eshet <ieshet_at_bezeqint.net>
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 22:04:51 +0300
To: czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu
Reply-to: noemi eshet <ieshet_at_bezeqint.net>

Dear Czernowitzers...

I'll be in Czernowitz next week for 3 days.

My father, Karl Rosenzweig, who was born in 1920 in Czernowitz, wrote during 1943-44, when he was in Camp TULCHIN in TRANSNISTRIA, Poems (in German language).
I've posted the POEMS, the DRESS my mother Rosa Rosenstrauss, born in 1922 in Czernowitz, was wearing in Transnistria camps, and some old photos.
I'll make a CD and bring it to the Jewish museum in Czwenowitz.

Can any of you, who speaks GERMAN,help with the translations of the poems to English? (or/Russian/Ukrainian ass well? - for the jewish museum there)
Here's the link:

My cousin Martha translated a poem. Here's the German and English version:(not completed)

10. ahasver
1.Es lastet schwer der Gottesflucht
Ãœber das arme Judenvolk
Dass es nie finde und stets such,
Die Rast unter der himmelsfolk

A heavy burden is God’s disappearance
Upon the poor Jewish race
Who never finds, yet always seeks,
Repose among the people of heaven.

2. Den Bruder Abel Kain hat
Getötet einst vor Zeiten
Der Mörder wandert nad wenad
Durch alle Ewigkeiten.

Cain murdered his brother Abel long ago
The murderer wanders [nad wenad]
Through all eternity.

3. Mit Moses irren (40) vierzig Jahren
Die Juden durch die Wueste
Bis sie erreichen voll' Gefahr
Des honigslandes Kueste.

With Moses, for 40 years, the Jews wander through the desert Until the reach, full of fear, The honey-laden coast.
4. Uns jagte einst auf fremde Erde
Aus Spanien die Inquisition
Wie oft faellt das Damoklesschwert,
So ziehen weiter wir davon.

Once the inquisition drove us out of Spain, into unknown lands How often has the sword of Damocles fallen And once again we are driven on our way.

5. Und wieder hat in neusten Zeit
Die Heimet uns vertrieben
Der Fluch der schon fuehrt uns weit
Von Freunden und von Lieben…

And once more, in our own time, our country has banished us The curse that drives us far from friends and loved ones…

(not completed)

about my family:
My father lived in GENERAL AVERESCU 45. He HAD A younger brother: Richard, born in 1922, (who died in Ladijin (on the Bug river) Transnistria), and a sister Alma (born in 1926). Their parent were: Isidor Rosenzweig 1891-1954 (from Banila pe siret=banilov) and Netti Rittberg, from Sadagora, (1858-1941).
Isidor's parent were Selig Katz and Chaje (Rosenzweig?). Selig Kats in buried in Czernowitz cemetery (died 1933. )
My grandfather, Iisdor Rosenzweig owned "KARA" in Iancu Flondor 13. The shop had 3 devisions (Abteilungen):
Abteilung 1: Garne und Textilien, general Verlegunden = Division 1: Yarns and Textiles, General Verlegunden
Abteilung 2: Grossvertrieb und Lager in Kuechenartikeln und chem. –Tech. spezialitaeten. = Big (?)sales and stock articles of kitchens and chem. Tech. specials.
Abteilung 3: Metal und Holzwaren Fabrikation. = Division 3: Metal and wood products manufacturing.
I've found an add. In the "der tag in Czernowitz" from 20.8.1933, about KARA:
"Mein Hausfreund
Das sprarbuch der klugen Hausfrau
In Deutscher (erscheint demnaechst einzele auch in Romaenischer, Ungarischer und Russischer Sprache mit ca 700 wertvollen von Auslandsautoritäten
Begutachteten Rezepten
Fuer jedes im Leben sich ergebende vorkommnis insbesondere
Fuer koerper, schoenheits und Gesundheitspflege, Haushalt etc.
Soll in keinem Haus fehlen
Erstrangiger Verkaufsschlager fuer: Buch Papier Handel, Apotheken, Droguerien, Trafiken, Greislereien etc.
Preis 40 Lei franco
(auch in Briefmarken). Haendler hohen Rabatt.
General Vertrieb KARA
Das Haus der 1000 Neuheiten
Cernăuți, Str. Iancu Flondor 13"
Later, I think in 1936 (or earlier), "KARA" business moved to a new address: Moldovei 16 Czernowitz.

The parents of my mother Rosa Rosenstrauss were: Jacob Rosenstrauss and Jachet Meerbaum. (relative of Selma Meerbaum-eisinger). They were 6 children: 1. Jeaneth 2. Frieda-fanny 3. Dora-DWORA 4. ROSA 5. Moshe (was born in 1925 or 1926). who was murdered in Transnistria in Tarasiwka camp, beyond the Bug river. 6. Sofia (born 1928) her nickname was Maedy.
I'll be very glad if you could help with the translation of the poems.
Any information about my family or about the KARA factory?

Many thanks,

Noemi E. Rosenzweig

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