Re: [Cz-L] Drawing of a Mr. Landmann who died in Transnistria.‏

Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 09:06:53 +0300
To: Miriam Taylor <>

"As mentioned before, the drawing was made by Erwin Schäfler, born in
> Vienna, who left Austria for Romania in 1937, escaped to Ukraine in 1940,
> joined the Red Army, served on campaigns, returned to Transylvania in
> 1946, emigrated to Israel in 1958 and deceased in the year 1965. "

  This is the Erwin Schaefer story as from E.Hausters post.
    No Transnistria.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
Cc: "Edgar Hauster" <>; <>;
"Aizic Sechter" <>; "Hedwig Brenner"
<>; "Lydia Schmerler" <>; "Paul
Heger" <>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Drawing of a Mr. Landmann who died in Transnistria.‏

I agree with Hardy that: "this picture has symbolic value and represents
the plight of Transnistria better than any story".
We do not know whether Erwin Schafler was, or was not in Transnistria.
Since the drawing is signed January 4, 1942, between Scazinet and
we should assume that he was.

I checked the 1936 Address book. There were at the time 3 Isaac Landmann
in Czernowitz; a watchmaker, a shopkeeper and a clark.
In Czernowitz any of the three could have been an intellectual.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 1:29 AM, HARDY BREIER wrote:

> Edgar,
> According to your post , the Landman drawing is fiction.
> The Landman in the picture could have been real but
> Erwin Shaefler was never in Transnistria.
> But this picture has symbolic value and represents
> the plight of Transnistria better than any story.
> Hardy

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