What a wonderful work !!
Merle, it's so nice to discover the face of the list members.
Now I will hope to meet you in Washington !!
I am working now to organize Paris 2012...
[Sylvie... it would be very helpful to us if you posted in plain text. We are
forwarding instructions in a separate email on how to do this with gmail.
Thanks for your understanding --the moderators]
Sylvie Reicher Gsell
172 rue Legendre
75017 Paris
00 33 1 77 12 38 05
00 33 6 09 98 52 70
2011/7/15 Merle Kastner <merlek_at_videotron.ca>
> Dear friends,
> The latest versions of the Bukovina Photo Album and the
> Bukoviner Get-togethers Album are now live.
> To view them, go to the Ehpes home page: http://czernowitz.ehpes.com/
> In the menu on the left side of the page, scroll down to
> 'Ehpes Photo Collection' and click on it.
> Then scroll down to: 'Post-1945 Photographs'.
> You will find the two albums close to the end of the list:
> 'Photographs Of List Members Album'
> (new to the album are: Rita Shilo and Michael Kransdorff)
> 'Bukoviner Get-togethers Album - photos taken at various Bukovina events'
> (new to the album are: 2005-December, Haifa, Israel, 2011-June, Brooklyn,
> New York,
> 2011-June, Brooklyn, New York and 2011-May, Montreal)
> Many thanks to our expert webmaster Jerome for uploading these so quickly.
> And for those of you who haven't yet sent me your photos, please do.
> Best wishes to all and Shabbat Shalom,
> Merle
This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of
Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions expressed
in these posts are the opinions of the original poster only and not necessarily
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or entities connected with this mailing list. The Czernowitz-L list has
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Received on 2011-07-15 13:40:27
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