Mimi...just for a start,none of my extended family were forced into the
ghetto. Cornel
-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Taylor [mailto:mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu]
Sent: 30 June 2011 12:28
To: Cornel Fleming; CZERNOWITZ-L
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Another suggested inscription for the memorial
In reply to Cornel:
I am not aware that some Jewish people were not made to stay in the ghetto.
Could you, or anyone else provide me with source material or an explanation?
I know that my father's cousin, Manfred Reifer, previously a delegate to the
Romanian Parliament, later on during the war, was in a privileged position
and was able to get letters and food packages delivered to Transnistria, but
do not know whether he was forced to stay in the ghetto.
As to "murdered by their local neighbors":
The truth is that in many villages in the vicinity of Czernowitz, such as
Banila pe Ceremus, Stanestii de sus and Stanesti de jos, the murder of Jews
was carried out by Ukrainian and Romanian local inhabitants.
I am aware that my suggested wording may prevent the memorial from being
erected, but if this memorial is to be to those Jewish people murdered in
Czernowitz AND VICINITY, should we not tell the truth and the WHOLE TRUTH?
Would writing and "by local collaborators" be better than "by their local
Saying "many thousands", in my opinion, does not convey the enormity of the
evil which was done and is too vague.
We could not mention the murders committed outside of Czernowitz, would this
be the right thing to do?
Please, more members of the list, write us your opinion.
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