Re: [Cz-L] Whitsun lottery 1933

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 14:16:56 +0200
To: "E. & G. Weissmann" <>,
Reply-to: Hedwig Brenner <>

Hi Gaby,
Amazing how the Czernowitz-ring got closer..
I knew very well the Kottlar-family, they lived in the Franzensgasse, a
paralell-street to the Albertinengasse, where I lived in my youth.My friend
and classmate Kaethe Zallik, later Krauthammer, lived opposit the Kottlars.
Mr.Kottlar was a tall man, with natif his youth he worked as
fireman ("Feuerwehrmann") about him was a legend in the grave
of a colleague he said:
"Einst hast Du auf's Feuer gespritzt, nun liegst Du da..."(Once you sprayed
water on fire, no you are laying here...") The eldest son Dollfuss, was
engeneer at the Royal-Dutch-Shell-Cy in Bukarest, the middle was called
Toussek, also engenner and the youngest Sanita, with him and his girl friend
Paula Katz, were my friends After the war I met them in Bukarest, they were
married and had a son, later they moved to Dusseldorf, where I met Paula in
1975, at a Czernowitz-party, at the House of the Jewish Community,
Dr.Hornstein was than the chief.
The villa on the Cecina was also a summer-gasthouse for children und young
people, my husband was some sommers with his brother there...Rosika, the
daughter, had a child, a boy, she never said who was the father, neither to
her parents and lived after the war in Bukarest, than in Germany...
Gaby, have your mother seen them in Germany???
Bests reguards

----- Original Message -----
From: "E. & G. Weissmann" <>
To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest"
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:12 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Whitsun lottery 1933

>A name in the list made me look twice: Kottlar. This was a family with whom
>my mother was very friendly in Czernowitz, later in Bucharest
> and even laterFrance and Germany. They were a family of three brothers,
> all studied engineers, and one sister. The Kottlars had a small
> villa on the Cecina and my mother, being a passionate skier, often spent
> time with the family there. (She mentioned that the Anchauch villa
> was larger) - I wonder if it would be possible to find out, through the
> records, whether the villas still exist, and to whom they now belong.
> All the family survived and like many others, first came to Bucharest,
> then Germany and France, I knew them all. Does anyone recall them?
> Gabriele
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