Henri Barbusse was indeed a communist, but he also happened to be a
French writer, whose many novels were translated into at least 40
languages, including German, and Yiddish, and Hebrew, and, yes,
Ukrainian, and whose novel "Le Feu" won him the Prix Goncourt,
arguably one of the world's highest literary awards.
As to the names of other communists on the current map of Czernowitz,
you are not quite right: at least a couple of dozens streets are named
after assorted communists, notably vul. Karla Liebknechta (former
Uhrmachergasse) and vul. Rosy Luxemburg (former Ankergasse). And the
latter two did not write even a small book of poetry!
2011/7/7 HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_bezeqint.net>:
> http://pics.livejournal.com/whasup/pic/00z7rxpr
> Delapidated house on the Shilgass that is Synagogengasse for german
> speakers.
> Now it is Vulitza Barbiussa named for french communist
> Enri Barbusse .
> After independence the ukraineans got rid of all communist
> leader names from the city streets.
> All but Enri Barbusse .
> The rumanian called it Strada Wilson after the US president.
> http://pics.livejournal.com/whasup/pic/00z7s3ec
> Can be used as a stage prop for the Dornroeschen .
> Or Haensl und Gretel.
> Hardy
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