Dear Edgar,
I think that we have to organize to take care with this cemetary, to clean
it and also to make a new map with all the informations we have actually :
it will be very useful to do this also with the actual President of the
Jewish Community of Moguilev.
have a nice trip !
Sylvie Reicher Gsell
172 rue Legendre
75017 Paris
00 33 1 77 12 38 05
00 33 6 09 98 52 70
2011/5/7 Edgar Hauster <>
> Sylvie...
> I realize that your (and perhaps several other members of our group) are
> interested in that subject and actually, as Bruce and I got in touch with
> Rachel Leigh, some additional information may become available to us. I'm
> quoting to you my today's mail to Merle, but feel, that I should leave the
> further steps to Bruce, as he's more familiar with this subject than me. I'm
> just the travelling reporter.
> "I may be wrong, but I don't think "Druker's List" is online on Ehpes. As I
> have just limited search functions on my iPad during my journey, I can't
> tell you precisely, but Jerome will know better. He mentioned the list in
> 2007. But Bruce has got definitely a copy of the list and is actually in
> contact with Rachel Leigh, Druker's daughter, who owns the original, edited
> by her father."
> Best wishes for now from Stanislau (Ivano-Frankivsk)!
> Edgar Hauster
> from Edgar's iPad
> Am 07.05.2011 um 11:07 schrieb Sylvie GSELL <>:
> Dear Edgar, I am very excited by reading this post : have you more details
> about Rachel ?
> You know that I was in Moguilev in August 2010 and it was terrible not to
> find my grandmother's grave.
> I will hope that one day we will made a work to have a precise map of the
> old cemetary and to clean it.
> Yours
> Sylvie
> Sylvie Reicher Gsell
> 172 rue Legendre
> 75017 Paris
> France
> <>
> 00 33 1 77 12 38 05
> 00 33 6 09 98 52 70
> 2011/5/6 Edgar Hauster < <>>
>> Czernowitzers, dear friends...
>> This is the comment, I received from Rachel Leigh today:
>> "Dear Mr. Hauster, I was amazed to see the photographs you took at the
>> cemet=
>> ery following the Drucker List. He was my father."
>> I'm grateful for this comment and feel flattered by it, but frankly
>> speaking=
>> , I didn't know about Druker's List before and learned the thrilling story
>> f=
>> rom the International Jewish Cemetery Project at
>> <>
>> Now, as I'm aware of the outstanding significance of this document, I
>> would l=
>> ike to point out, that at <>
>>, sections: Cz-L Archi=
>> ves 2007, Cemeteries, Monuments & Towns, you'll find additional pictures
>> and=
>> data on this subject.
>> Warmest wishes to all of you from beautiful Stanislau (Ivano-Frankivsk) in
>> G=
>> alicia.
>> Edgar Hauster
>> from Edgar's iPad
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