Re: [Cz-L] Dorin Fraenkel of Radautz

From: <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 16:06:37 -0400
To: Sylvie Gsell <>

Dear Sylvie
Although I never met Dorin in person, I considered him
as a good friend. He helped me a great deal as well.
He had a kind and generous nature and was a fine person.
This is a great and sad loss for all of us.

----- Original Message -----
From=3A Sylvie Gsell =3Cgsell=2Esylvie=40gmail=2Ecom=3E
Date=3A Wednesday=2C May 25=2C 2011 3=3A44 pm
Subject=3A Re=3A =5BCz-L=5D Dorin Fraenkel of Radautz
To=3A Bruce Reisch =3Cbruce=2Ereisch=40cornell=2Eedu=3E
Cc=3A CZERNOWITZ-L =3CCZERNOWITZ-L=40list=2Ecornell=2Eedu=3E

=3E I met Dorin in Radautz last summer =3A he was so kind and help me =

=3E a lot to find the birth act of m=27y mother and also the mariage =

=3E act of m=27y grandparents=2E =

=3E Some days ago=2C I sent pictures of him with my cousin Nana in =

=3E Radautz to Merle =3A he was so devoted to help us !
=3E I am very sad to read this bad new=2E
=3E Sylvie Reicher GSELL
=3E Paris
=3E France
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