If Hardy will not let me have my view of Czernowitzers, I will have
to accept his categorization.
Anyhow, I too am in category 5+. My maternal grandfather
and both his brothers served in the Austrian army during WW2.
Furthermore, in the 1920ies, my maternal grandfather was on the city
On May 25, 2011, at 8:50 PM, fred love wrote:
> I think I pass to cathegory 5+=0Amy father being officer & adjutant
> in K.u.=
> K=0Aon the Italian front. Mezolombardi &
> Fucini=0AFred.Weisinger=0A-----
> [Plain text... thanks]
> Or=iginal Message -----=0A
> OWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>=0ACc: =0ASent: Wednesday, 25 May
> 2011 10=
> :14 PM=0ASubject: [Cz-L] Czernowitzers in categories.=0A=0ALike
> hotels Czer=
> nowitzers can be=A0 stratified in categories
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