Hi Mimi,=0A=0Aif you mean Grete Tauber-Wallenstein who was teaching piano i=
n the =0A"conservatoire" before the war then I knew her personally.=0AI wro=
te about her in an answer to Anna Kofner, this answer didn't appear here in=
=0Athe mailing list.=0AFor me she was always Tante Grete, because he often=
visited my parents and also =0Awas a teacher of my mother. =0A=0AShe used =
to live close to the Volksgarten (after the war) and continued to teach =0A=
piano.=0AShe re-married and then her last name was Goldenberg.=0A=0AAlex=0A=
=0A=0A>=0A>Von: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>=0A>An: Ilana Gordon <i=
lana_at_wordwizardsinc.com>=0A>CC: Lucca <lucca99_at_netvision.net.il>; Anna Kofn=
er <akofner_at_hotmail.com>; =0A>hardy3_at_bezeqint.net; alexanderrosner_at_yahoo.de=
; fredhotman_at_yahoo.com; =0A>czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu=0A>Gesendet: Freitag, =
den 27. Mai 2011, 15:31:02 Uhr=0A>Betreff: Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitzers.=0A>=0A=
>Before the war, I was too young to have piano lessons, during =0A>the war,=
I actually had some, even though we had no piano.=0A>My teacher lived on t=
he same street (Schmidtgasse) as I, so I both practiced =0A>and had my less=
ons in her apartment. I do not remember the teachers name,=0A>but she had a=
daughter only slightly older than I, probably born in 1934-5,=0A>who's nam=
e was Tabitha Tamara. A very strange name at the time, =0A>I believe taken =
from Rabindranath Tagore. =0A>I also remember, before the war, going with m=
y mother to her piano lessons. =0A>Her teacher was a Frau Tauber, who had b=
eautiful dark red hair,=0A>a statuesque figure and who impressed me greatly=
.=0A>Did anyone know or does anyone remember her?=0A>=0A>=0A>Mimi =0A>=0A>=
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