Re: [Cz-L] Language

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 21:30:04 -0400
To: "E. & G. Weissmann" <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

I think that I have mentioned this before, but I will mention it again.
One of the best known mixed couples in Czernowitz were the physicians;
Rosa Samet and Alexis Zaloziecki. He was considered one of the best,
if not THE BEST physician in town and was also the head of the Ruthenian
political party in the 1920ies.
On the other hand an incident I remember from 1942 makes me think
that not only was there discrimination against Jews by Ukrainians,
but also
discrimination by Jews against Ukrainians. The incident was this:
I was introduced to a family, where the husband was Jewish and the wife
was Ukrainian, they also had a little boy about my age (5 years old).
The friend of my mother who introduced us, then took me aside
and whispered to me: be really nice to them, the lady is not Jewish.


On Jun 1, 2011, at 5:38 PM, E. & G. Weissmann wrote:

> Follow-up on Charles's story: In Bucharest his aunt lived in the
> same house as we did . She was married to a Ukrainean, Titus
> Vorobciuk, who spoke perfect Jiddish (much better than Charles!)
> and quite good German. I believe he saved her life during the war.
> Another friend of my mother, was also married to a Ukrainean. He
> also spoke Jiddish very well. When she died he travelled to Israel
> to bury her, and in his testament he laid down that he be buried
> next to her in Israel.
> So there were gentiles in Czernowitz who felt good in Jewish
> society and were accepted as real friends. Maybe not so many as we
> would have
> liked.
> Gabriele

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