Hi Edgar=0AI liked your video.You focused the Stefanigasse,where my home wa=
s=0Aand the school I went to before the war.=0AYhank you it is enjoyable to=
view the video.=0Aall the best=A0 Fred.Weisinger=0A=0A
[Please post in Plain Text]
From: Edgar Hauster =
<bconcept_at_hotmail.com>=0ATo: czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu=0ASent: Tuesday,=
7 June 2011 11:13 PM=0ASubject: [Cz-L] Czernowitz Ghetto of 1941 in 08:22 =
Minutes, 14,591 Meters, 200 Photos!=0A=0ACzernowitzers...=0A=0AI'm not quit=
e convinced, that our discussion on the Czernowitz Ghetto memorial plate wi=
ll be completely comprehensible to those, especially non-Jews, who made thi=
s memorial plate possible, regardless of temporary or not. In any case, one=
of my main concerns during my recent visit to Czernowitz, was the GPS trac=
king, mapping and measuring of the Czernowitz Ghetto, combined with a photo=
documentation. In fact, this action took me three days for a distance of 1=
4,591 meters, compiled to a video slide show of 8:22 minutes. 200 photos, g=
iving a vague idea of bygone - good and not so good - days, starting at the=
- disputed - memorial plate, now available for you at=0A=0Ahttp://hauster.=
blogspot.com/2011/06/czernowitz-ghetto-of-1941.html=0A=0AAside from my blog=
http://hauster.blogspot.com/, journalizing my motorcycle trip to Galicia a=
nd Bukovina, this posting represents the first result for the researches, w=
hich I was able to conduct during my five weeks trip.=0A=0AEnjoy the presen=
tation!=0A=0AEdgar Hauster=0ALent - The Netherlands=0A=0Ahttp://hauster.blo=
gspot.com/=0A=0A=0A=A0=A0=A0 =A0=A0=A0 =A0=A0=A0 =A0 =A0=A0=A0 =A0=A0=A0 =
=A0 =0A
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