[Cz-L] Bukovina Telephone Directory for the Year 1909!

From: Joe Poras <joe.poras_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 16:06:01 -0400
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Joe Poras <joe.poras_at_gmail.com>

Edgar, You are TOO MUCH!  LOL   The web connection of the last century.

It was great vicariously following your latest trip to the Bukowina.
Have a great summer.

Best wishes and thanks to all my Czernowitzer "cousins" for all the
information you have provided over the years.

Boston and Miami Beach

Researching: PORAS. WEISS, BARDACH, Bukowina and L'vov THX-Bruce

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On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> Czernowitzers...
> Who could afford in Bukovina in the year 1909 to subscribe to a telephone line? Not many people, but however some of our ancestors, as for example
> Dr. Josef Poras, Schlangengasse 22, Phone no. 479 = grandfather of our fellow member Dr. Joseph Poras
> Following my recent trip to Czernowitz and my visit to the Czernowitz University Library, I released the Bukovina Telephone Directory for the year 1909 at
> http://czernowitz.blogspot.com/2011/06/bukovina-telephone-directory-for-year.html
> Thirty-six pages for all Bukovinian telephone subscribers, phone numbers, names and addresses, mainly for companies and personalities, who were in the limelight, for: Czernowitz, Derehlui, Dobronoutz, Itzkany, Karapcziu, Kotzman, Kuczurmare, Luzan, Nowosielitza, Okna, Onuth, Petroutz, Radautz, Sadagura, Sereth, Storozynetz, Suczawa, Wiznitz.
> That's not very much, but however better than nothing!
> Edgar Hauster
> Lent - The Netherlands
> http://hauster.blogspot.com/
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