Hardy...I cannot fully answer your questions. I was told that he was
supported to go there by the Lubavitch?charedi lot who in turn were
financed by a Russian oligarch or similar, however,,,the London Jewish
Chronicle ran a report that the benefactor concerned had been lumbered with
assorted financial misdemeanours and so his donations were sort of
disappearing....and this may possibly account for the nonprogession with the
Kornschil project. Rav Kofmanski does get a minyan most times,and on High
Holidays Glitzenstein co-officiates with him. AS i said,a lot of this is
Czernowitz hear-say,s no guarantees.....but.... Cornel
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 27 June 2011 05:13
To: cornel fleming; 'YASO'
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] RE: Synagogue in Czernowitz
This story of the twin chief rabbi is unique,
Where did rabbi Glitzenstein come from ?
Where does he officiate ?
As I hear , they can hardly gather a "mynyan" in the
Brauhausgasse Shil where Rabbi Kofmansky officiates .
----- Original Message -----
From: "cornel fleming" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
To: "'YASO'" <goaizicgo_at_013.net>
Cc: "'CZERNOWITZ-L'" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 1:31 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] RE: Synagogue in Czernowitz
> Hi...I alwys stay at the Magnat Lux as do most of us,,,very good and
> central...within walking distance of most everywhere . About
> Kofmanski.....all the"stories about him " started after rav Mendel
> Glitzenstein (a chabadnik/lubavitscher arrived in town and stared
> stylinh=g
> himself,including on letterheads ""Chief Rabbi of Czernowitz",,,!!!!!!.
> Kofmanski is the man who singlehandedly kepy the built-in-1928 shul going
> and functioning right through all the hassle periods...including when the
> soviets tried to stop religious observances,he held the femaining Jewish
> community together ,he started classes in modrn Ivrit.he sent Czernowitzer
> kids to Israel to study,he arranged Atzmaut and more importantly,Yom
> Hashoa
> remembrances....where Jews seemed to suddenly appear out of the woodwork
> old and many young!! He has for years run "advice" sessions, for women
> mainly,to whish many non-jews came "Nu so they are not humans in need?
> !!! Alarge part of the local population look on him as a modern version of
> a
> "Wunderrebbe". Re his Shabat service...he does it as it has always
> been done in that neck of the woods.My wife also complained "It was not
> done
> in the style and to the dress code of a London shul" but we were not in
> Kondon! MAINLY,,,,,,look at the inside of the shul,,,this is there
> because
> rav Kofmanski fought tooth and claw to keep it so - and show me ANY other
> shul in Occupied Europe that managed this feat. Fimally,I know of
> two torah scrolls on display in Czernowith...1.the museum on Herrengasse
> corner ???gasse and 2. In the jewish museum. No idea where e ither
> of
> them had their origin. Cornel
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