Re: [Cz-L] Goldener Loewe Hotel

From: Lydia Schmerler <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 19:07:21 +0200
To: Hedwig Brenner <>, Anny Matar <>,
Reply-to: Lydia Schmerler <>

Hedwig, in my French book on "Yiddish", it's written that 1.000 years ago,
Jews were living in, what is called today, the North of France, where they
spoke old French and Hebrew. Then they emigrate to the Rhineland, where they
create, with German, a language which could not be understood by the others.
Then, for economic reasons, they were pushed to emigrate toward the East of
Europe : Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Rumania, Russia. There, they really
started to speak Yiddish, beginning 1600. And then, little by little, the
language became in the East of Europe, what it is today. Before the WW1, 2/3
of the Jews spoke Yiddish there. The Sephardic Jews never knew Yiddish.
Hope all this is right.
All the best.

From: "Hedwig Brenner" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 12:13 PM
To: "Anny Matar" <>; <>
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Goldener Loewe Hotel

> Yes, it was...once upon the time.., because no more Tempelgasse, no more =
> Postgasse...
> But I have another question: when was spoken for the first time yiddish =
> and where??? Certainly not in the antiquity. may be in the <Midle Age in =
> Germany>From there to Poland, Balcan, or first in Russia but they have =
> an other dialect?
> Hedwig
> [Discussions of the Yiddish language should be kept on-topic, ie. in
> relation to Bukovina. General Yiddish discussions are best directed to
> the Ehpes off-topic blog (see group website). Moderator-on-duty Bruce]
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