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An additional thought or two on the culture of Cz which couldn't have been =
so dramatically different from other cities of the same era and size. In ci=
ties of any size one finds a mix of cultures and it is difficult to label t=
he city with any particular characteristic. If the contemporary culture of =
Chernivtsi shows signs of conceit, it would be understandable. When a peasa=
nt who has never had a pair of shoes get his first shoes, he feels proud an=
d superior to his cousins who are still barefoot. Conceit is more often tha=
n not found in folks who are culturally deprived but have one or more eleme=
nts of which they can be proud. =A0 Having the yoke of Communism off their =
shoulders with the fear of punishment for stepping out of line removed woul=
d naturally give a people a sense of superiority to perhaps the previous ge=
neration. =A0My guess is that half the current population were pulled in fr=
om Russia's or the Ukraine's interior. =A0I met a young medical
technician with an accent, established it was a Russian accent, asked her =
where she was from and she said St. Petersburg. =A0When I told her that I w=
as from what is now Chernivtsi, she confessed that she was really from ther=
e, too. =A0If there is conceit among the current residents, it might be bec=
ause their roots were in some Russian shtetl. =A0In the company of a St. Pe=
tersburger they might quickly become modest.
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