ALL e-lists will be down Tue 02 Aug 2011
from 06:15 am
to 06:45 am
so that the backend Oracle database may be tuned for better performance.
Messages posted to all e-lists will be delayed.
They will be queued during the down time and processed
after the service is brought back up.
The administrative web interface will be unavailable during this time.
You have received this message because our records show that you are
an administrator for at least one e-list hosted on Lyris ListManager.
If you have any concerns please contact
-- Regards, Todd Olson CIT Systems & Operations Messaging Group E-List Service LeadReceived on 2011-08-01 15:33:50
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : 2011-08-31 22:19:50 PDT