Re: [Cz-L]Assistance Request - Synagogue Architecture of Bessarabia!?

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 21:14:32 +0200
To: YASO <>
Reply-to: Edgar Hauster <>


Wow, that sounds terrific, thank you so much for your mail and your dedication! I'm quite sure, Anastasia will get in touch with you.

Warmest wishes from the Netherlands!

Edgar Hauster
from Edgar's iPad

Am 17.08.2011 um 19:25 schrieb YASO <>:

> Shalom to all specially to Edgar.
> Please give to Anastasia Moscaliuc my email. I took together with cousin
> Harriet Kasow when we both visited Chernivtsi and its Bukovinian Bessarabian
> Shteitels (May-June2010), some interesting photos of an ongoing restoration
> project of a Bessarabian Synagogue in the town of
> Novoseltzia (South-East of Chernivtsi).
> I believe that group member Yossi Jerry Eshet also has some pictures of this
> interesting restoration project.
> What is most interesting is that this restoration project is being carried
> out by a group of students from the Faculty of Art at the University of
> Chernivtsi. These students are slowly scraping off the paint job carried out
> during the Russian occupation period when the synagogue was turned into a
> recreation
> club for WWII veterans. Underneath this paint they are uncovering beautiful
> fresco paintings.
> The main motive being the 12 Tribes of Israel, similar paintings can be
> seen in other synagogues.
> We noticed nearly exact copies at the synagogue we visited on Shabbat in
> Chernivtsi.
> Maybe after Mimi unwinds from her recent trip to Chernivtsi, will be able to
> help Anastasia to
> connect with the art students of Chernivtsi University concerning her
> research project.
> All the best,
> Aizic Sechter
> Rishon Le Zion, Israel

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