Hi all,
Thanks Alfred for the emotiomal letter, everyone, who lived in these years
in Czernowitz, with the changing roulers and changing stars, red, yellow,
red, has his own story...
I can not say that I was ashamed, contrary, I was proud to wear it and I
never hided it..
I remember a story...It was after the deportations, end 1942, when we,my
late husband and me, were going home through the corner
Ringplatz-Herrengasse. There was the only library, also with german books,
german news-papers...the other libraries, jewish, were shut in 1040, there
was outside the shop a table with books...
We take a look on the books, immediatly came out a man
shake the hand of my husband and asked if we would like to buy a book, and
we did not hide our yellow star...and he was not ashamed to shake hand with
a Jew...it was Prof.Pochmarski, a colegue of my late father in low, he knew
my husband too, he did not go with "Heim in's Reich", like others, and he
had a jewish wife...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anny Matar" <annymatar_at_gmail.com>
To: "Gaby & Mira Rinzler" <grinzler_at_gru.net>
Cc: "ALFRED SCHNEIDER" <asfred_at_comcast.net>; "Czernowitz-L"
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Yellow Star in Czernowitz
> Dear all,
> I would like to share and add my thanks to Alfred for letting us read this
> personal letter to your son.
> This contact within our small community brings so many memories to life
> and
> it's so great to be able to share them here. I am always grateful for it.
> It is so strange to read Mimi's and Alfred's reaction to the yellow star.
> I
> must have been a "dafke" (how can one translate this into English?
> revolutionary? unconventional? -nothing seems right - ) person all my
> life.
> I come from a non-Zionist home and during the Russian occupation 1940-41 I
> joined an extreme Zionist movement the Betar so, when the yellow star was
> forced upon us I thought of it as a medal, I was chosen to be different,
> distinguished from all others and, as I shared my me memories - which I
> had
> written for my children and grand-children - with you, my star (because I
> looked like a Goyte) was larger than required. I never thought that the
> Germans had the right to take away my dignity.
> Please, don't misunderstand me, I comprehend that feeling and share it
> with
> you, I just added MY reaction to the star. It seems like million years
> later, when I worked as a ground hostess for El Al, I wore a yellow Star
> of
> David on white wings on my jacket and hat and I walked down the Bahnhof
> Str.
> in Zurich....NONE WAS MY EQUAL!!
> By the way those who wore the yellow star hidden were called Taschlers
> (hiding it behind a bag) or Reveristen (those hiding it behind the collar
> of
> their coats). The funniest thing was that those who looked most Jewish
> played this game. Life is often a come-tragedy.
> I hope I didn't tread on any one's toes,
> anny
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