[Cz-L] Fwd: index Shtetl under the Sun

From: Mark Wiznitzer <markwiznitzer_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 08:29:54 -0400
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Mark Wiznitzer <markwiznitzer_at_gmail.com>

Below is the book's index provided by Ms. van Ditzhuijzen, and
converted by me to plain text. Mark

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeannette van Ditzhuijzen <jeannette_at_ditz.nl>
Date: 2011/9/7
Subject: index Shtetl under the Sun
To: Mark Wiznitzer <markwiznitzer_at_gmail.com>
Cc: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>, "E. & G. Weissmann"

That's a good idea, Mark, to include the index of A Shtetl under the
Sun. See attachment.
Best wishes,

Jeannette van Ditzhuijzen, freelance journaliste

RJ Schimmelpenninckstraat 22

7604 AN Almelo

0546 825 402

0654 791 580


Te vinden op: http://community.villamedia.nl/jeannette-van-ditzhuijzen

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        30 May 1969, 163-167

        Abady, Abraham, 178
        Abady, Aron, 152, 179. 181, 204
        Abady, Aron Abraham, 82
        Abady, Jacobo, 178
        Abady, Jos=C3=A9 100, 126, 178
        Abady, Laurie, 154
        Abady, Maurice, 178
        Abady, Victor, 178, 182
        Abrami, Leo, 201
        Abramovic, Chaim, 148-150, 191
Acherman, Dunia (Bonaparte), 52, 59,
Ackerman, Abram, 34, 38-39, 50, 232
Ackerman family, 217
        Ackerman, Paul, 65, 139-140, 177
        Ackerman (store), 39,
        Adlerstein, David, 81,
        AGY, 155
=0C Altnaj, Tonia (Metsch), 40, 101, 104, 232
        Altnaj/Altneu, Mozes, 11, 13, 40, 44, 63,
        Amine, Rabbi, 191
        Antoinette, Ida (Becher), 129, 176, 206
        Aquarius, 193
        Armon, Rabbi, 181
        Aron Josub, Lina, 125
        Aron Josub, Willy, 55, 107-108, 128-129, 199, 212
        Aron Josub, Zalman, 48, 55, 67, 107
        Aron Josub-Faerman, Manea, 48-49, 106-109
        Aruba, 143, 169, 190-194
        Aurora, La, 84, 166, 212, 221
        Ashendorf, Fridel, 49-50
        Ashendorf, Helen (Frankel), 115, 196-197
        Ashendorf-Streifler, Klara, 49-50

        Baroud, Yak, 212
        BBYO, 122, 155
        Becher, Fajwel, 129, 176, 224
        Becher, Fanya (Gandelman), 43, 66, 86, 95, 99, 217
        Becher, Gershon, 41, 43, 58, 96, 99,
        Becher, Ivan, 148-150, 155, 176, 179, 224
        Becher, Larry, 128
        Becher, Liza (Seibald), 123, 165
        Becher-Antoinette, Ida, 129, 176, 206
        Becher-Bialostocky, Berta, 41
        Benesch, Julius, 86, 140
        Bentley, Philip, 151
        Berlinski, Leo, 193
        Bessarabia, 24, 29-34, 232
        Beth Israel (A), 191
        B=E2=80=99nai B=E2=80=99rith, 206-207, 208
        Bonaparte, Lily (Kisilevich), 51-52, 59, 124-125, 151, 169, 202, 208, 215,=
        Bonaparte, Lupu, 59
        Bonaparte, Mark, 128
        Bonaparte-Acherman, Dunia, 59
        Boy Ecuryweg, 212-213
        Brandao, Marjorie (da Costa Gomez), 69
        Brandes, Marie, 33, 67, 82, 104, 213
        Brandes, Margit, 67
        Brandes, Samuel, 34, 67, 81
        Brandes-Crivosei, Nettie, 50, 65, 67
        Bright, Alan, 181-182
        Bruder, Max, 41
        Buena Ventura, La, 78
        Bukovina, 12, 24, 29-34, 232

        Capriles, Ivy (Spritzer), 201
        Capriles, Lio, 66, 163, 225, 228
        Capriles, Sha, 66, 163
        Casa Abady, 178
        Casa Aron Abady, 178
        Casa Bernardo, 84, 232
        Casa Bill, 169
        Casa Brandes, 67
        Casa Cohen, 55, 62
        Casa Haime (A), 192
        Casa Jos=C3=A9, 166
        Casa Keis, 44, 48, 65, 79, 84
        Casa Leon, 165
        Casa Los Dos Amigos, 166
        Casa Marco, 48, 84, 104
        Casa Moderna, 129
        Casa Salomon, 129, 166
        Casa Seibald, 165
        Castro, Max de, 88
        Castro, Yvonne de, 88
        Castro-Kywi, Elvira de, 88
        Causanschi, Nioma, 98, 123
        Causanschi-Zonenschain, Sonia, 98
        cemeteries: Beth Haim, 15, 19, 78
                        Berg Altena, 16, 19, 46, 78
                        Aruba, 191
        Cheis, Berny, 149, 201
        Cheis, Dora (Suchar), 11, 22, 31, 34, 47, 65, 78, 79, 93, 94, 97,
130-131, 137, 194-196
        Cheis, Hersch, 11, 47, 66
        Cheis, Karen, 138, 139
        Cheis, Marco, 104, 119, 170, 191
        Cheis, Rosa, 130-131
        Cheis, Tila (Gerstenbluth), 69, 79, 84, 131, 170
        Cheis-Aklipa, Ana, 79
        Centraal Joods Comite (Central Jewish Comittee), 208
        Ch=C3=A9rie, 169
        Chic Americano, El, 63
        Chisinau, 33
        Chorostk=C3=B3w, 11, 20-22
        Chumaceiro, Rita, 155
        Club Union, 9, 81-82, 97-98, 116-123, 178, 199, 206, 207, 218, 221,
        Codreanu, Corneliu, 33
        Cohen, Jos=C3=A9, 178
        Cohen, William, 55, 178
        Cohen Henriquez, Haim, 72
        Confianza, La, 64, 129, 159
        Conquet, Olivia, 175
        Continental, El, 62, 159
        Costa Gomez, Mois=C3=A9s da, 90, 233
` Costa Gomez-Brandao, Marjorie da, 69
        Costa-Frankel, Esty da, 50, 142, 154, 213
        Crivosei, Saul, 67
        Cuales, Teofilio, 123
        Cuban Jews, 207-208
        Cuza, Alexander, 22, 31, 32, 34
        Curiel, Elias, 72
        Czernowitz, 12, 23, 33, 51, 98, 231, 232

        David-Fruchter, Emily, 109, 205
        David=E2=80=99s (winkel), 166
        Delvalle, Benjamin, 79
        Delvalle, Frank, 207
        Delvalle, Sheila (Seibald), 208-209
        Delvalle, Sol, 79

        East Indians, 64, 170-171, 211, 217
Economia, La, 84
        Ellis, Jan Willem, 167
        Elmaleh, Armand, 179-180, 186
        Elmaleh, Hannah, 180-181,185, 186, 187, 216
        Elzen, Fanny van der, 151, 179
        Emmanuel, Isaac, 75, 78, 81, 145, 187
        Esquina, La, 107
        Estrella, La, 63, 159

        Faerman, Esther (Katz), 106-109
        Faerman, family, 106-109
        Faerman, Fanny (Fruchter), 106-109, 224
Faerman, Frieda (Geller), 43, 57, 107, 139
        Faerman, Josif/Joske, 23, 43, 48, 55, 57, 67, 81, 106-109, 130, 225
        Faerman, Liza (Vorona), 106-109 194
        Faerman, Manea (Aron Josub), 48-49, 106-109
        Faerman, Rachel, 106-109, 194
        Faerman, Tauba (Sztam), 106-109
        Faerman-Libman, Clara, 31, 130, 190
        Fama, La, 64
        Feintuch, Yossi, 152
        Fensohn, Carl, 227, 235
        Fischer, Fred, 86
        Fitterman, Menachim, 151
        Fixman-Seibald, Claire, 116, 138
        Flondor, Jancu, 30
        Frankel, Esty (Da Costa), 50, 142, 154, 213
        Frankel, Johnny, 113-115, 184, 197
        Frankel-Ashendorf, Helen, 115, 196-197
        Frimmerman, Samuel, 119
        Fruchter, Emily (David), 109, 205
        Fruchter, Esty, 128
        Fruchter, Frieda (Pais), 33, 106-107, 224
        Fruchter, Gitta (Meit), 33, 106, 161, 169, 214
        Fruchter, Jacobo, 62, 98, 159, 218
        Fruchter, Max, 62, 159
        Fruchter, Samuel, 106
        Fruchter-Faerman, Fanny, 106-109
        Fuchs, Adolf, 191-192
        Fuhrmann, Charles, 58, 109, 135, 171-173, 192, 212, 218
        Fuhrmann-Spritzer, Frida, 171

        Galicia, 12, 24-29
        Gal-Jessurun Cardozo, Esther, 98
Gandelman, Ana, 65, 78
        Gandelman, Haim, 55, 65, 78
        Gandelman, Marco, 92
        Gandelman, Morris, 203, 218, 221,
        Gandelman-Becher, Fanya, 43, 66, 86, 95, 99, 217
        G=C3=A4rtner, Henri, 125
        G=C3=A4rtner, Herman, 84, 109, 119, 143, 166, 175, 203, 212, 221, 225
        G=C3=A4rtner, Robert, 125
        G=C3=A4rtner, Shirley, 175, 187
        Geiger, Chaim Jacob, 50, 94, 98, 130
        Geiger, Marcia (Linder), 50, 55
        Geiger, Moishe, 47, 55
        Geiger, Rachmiel, 159
        Geiger-Zuckerman, Mina, 45, 50
        Gelber, Jacob, 143
        Gelbstein, Israel, 191-192
        Geller-Faerman, Frieda, 43, 57, 107, 139
        German Watchmaker, 192
        Gerstenbluth, Chava, 192
Gerstenbluth, Isaac, 11, 27, 34, 83-84, 232
Gerstenbluth, Izzy, 154
Gerstenbluth, Jacob Gabriel (=E2=80=98Bill=E2=80=99), 20, 22, 25, 27, 83-84=
, 139, 143,
169, 170, 174, 179, 185, 232
        Gerstenbluth, Taicy (Mor=C3=B3n), 204
        Gerstenbluth-Cheis, Tila, 69, 79, 84, 131, 170
        Ghitman, Saul, 41, 119
        Ginsburg-Koch, Lucca (Rachel), 105-106, 123, 138-139, 161, 198-199
        Globo, El, 79, 166
        Goga, Octavian, 32
        Gomes Casseres, Charles, 65, 166
        Gomes Casseres, Jane, 204
        Gomes Casseres, Ron, 199
        Gorsira, Eric, 222
        Gottfried, Chaim, 192, 193
        Gottfried, Martha (Hirschberg), 193
        Goudeket, Maurits, 134
        Goudsmit, Artie, 98
        Goudsmit-Meit, Clara, 123-124
        Grynsztein, Aba, 126
        Grynsztein, Esther, 125
        Grynsztein, Isaac, 181, 182, 186, 212
        Grynsztein, Lazaro, 184
        Grynsztein, Meyer, 128
        Grynsztein, Nachman, 27, 61, 73-74, 82, 116, 126, 152, 168, 174
        Grynsztein, Omer, 174, 179, 181, 185
        Grynsztein (store), 61, 79. 138
        Grynsztein, Yitzak, 61
        Groisman, Jan, 63, 81, 133,
        Groisman, Lea (Taytelbaum), 203
        Gruzecki-Seibald, A and M, 206
        Haber, Adolf, 63, 125, 159
        Haber, Rachilde en Saartje, 95
        Hachsharah, 125-128, 235
        Halpern, Sam, 21, 112-113,
        Hebrew School (Jewish school), 150-154
        (see also Moria School)
        Hector Henriquez B, 166
        Her=C5=A3a, 11, 22, 232
        Hias (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), 104, 208
        Hirschberg family, 43, 100-102
        Hirschberg, Ida (Aminoff), 76-77, 100-102, 104, 116, 192, 198
        Hirschberg, Lucien ('Lucky'), 193
        Hirschberg, Max, 81
        Hirschberg, Victoire (Karter), 100
        Hirschberg-Gottfried, Martha, 193
        Hirschberg-Schwarzburd, Frieda, 66
        Internment on Bonaire, 86-88, 89-90, 233
        Internment on Cura=C3=A7ao, 88-90,
        Internment on Trinidad, 194

        Jessurun Cardozo, David, 109, 131, 134, 140, 146,
        Jessurun Cardozo, Esther (Gal), 98
        Jessurun Cardozo, Isaac, 78, 89, 99, 109, 125, 130-131, 146, 148, 193, 198
        Jessurun Cardozo, Lies (Linder), 135, 139-140, 161, 164-165, 168, 199
        Jewish Aid Committee (Joods Hulp Comit=C3=A9), 91, 104, 205
        Jewish Country Club (A), 95, 97, 191, 193, 194
        Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JJDC), 89, 91
        Jewish School/Hebrew School, 150-154
        (see also Moria School)
        Jos=C3=A9 Faerman (store), 55
        Josub, see Aron Josub
        Kan, Isidoor, 194
        Kasteel, Piet, 90, 91, 96, 193, 222
        Katz, Adolf, 106-107,
        Katz, Bumek, 112-113
        Katz, Chaskiel, 232
        Katz, Jehuda, 105, 113,
        Katz, Janina (De Marchena), 20, 21-22, 25, 28, 105, 112-113
        Katz-Faerman, Esther, 106-109,
        Kirzner, Socher, 119-120, 143, 163, 170, 174-175, 179, 181, 225
Kirzner, Tsale, 119-120, 128, 134-135, 138, 141, 148, 151, 155, 163,
164, 168, 170
        Kirzner-Schusterman, Fania, 110-111, 119-120, 148
        Kisilevich, Chaim, 57, 62, 78, 123, 179, 193
        Kisilevich family, 217
        Kisilevich, Isaac, 78, 86, 120, 123, 126, 141, 165, 193, 202, 203, 212
        Kisilevich, Sonia, 65, 104, 123, 204
        Kisilevich-Bonaparte, Lily, 51-52, 59, 124-125, 151, 169, 202, 208, 215, 2=
        Koch, Lucca (Rachel), 105-106, 123, 138-139, 161, 198-199
        Koense, Erwin, 212, 221, 225
        Kywi, Elvira (De Castro), 88
        Kywi, Max en Erni, 88, 233
        Lago refinery (A), 190, 192
        Lebanese, 57, 164, 178-179, 211
Lerner, Ezra, 29, 47, 53-54
        Levin, Martin, 135, 151, 208
        Libman, Aron, 41, 78, 190
        Libman, Clara (Faerman), 31, 130, 190
        Libman-Jufe, Beila, 41, 65, 78
        Lindauer, Andy, 128
        Linder, Bruno, 59, 65, 78, 79, 137, 145, 199, 205, 215, 218, 221, 227
        Linder, Elias, 24, 40, 59, 66, 78, 138, 161, 218
        Linder, family, 81
        Linder Felix, 65, 145, 205, 221-222, 227
        Linder, Salomon, 140, 161, 164-165, 168, 199, 221, 227
        Linder-Geiger, Marcia, 50, 55
        Linder-Jessurun Cardozo, Lies, 135, 139-140, 161, 164-165, 168, 199
Linder (store), 161, 164
Linder=E2=80=99s soda fountain/refreskeria, 65, 161
Louvre, El, 166

        Maccabi, 98-100, 123-125, 178, 193, 199, 217, 218, 222
        Maduro, Amador, 171
        Maduro, Salomon, 90
        Maduro & Curiel=E2=80=99s Bank, 16, 66, 163, 166
        Marchena, Armando de, 105
        Marchena, Atilio de, 48, 62, 66, 131
        Marchena-Katz, Janina de, 20, 21-22, 25, 28, 105, 112-113
        Maslin, Simeon, 16, 150, 154, 155, 191, 201, 202, 208
        Meit, Clara (Goudsmit), 123-124
        Meit, Fela (Seibald), 123-124, 134, 202
        Meit, Isuhar, 119, 218
        Meit, Mozes Jr., 55
        Meit, Pinhos/Piet, 98, 161, 215
        Meit, Sunye, 125, 166
        Meit-Acherman, Lea, 52
        Meit-Fruchter, Gitta, 33, 106, 161, 169, 214
        Metsch, Bernardo, 84, 109, 212, 217, 232
        Metsch family, 135, 138
        Metsch, Ren=C3=A9 (=E2=80=98Rennie=E2=80=99), 128
        Metsch-Altnaj, Tonia, 40, 101, 104, 232
        Milstein, Fanya, 205
Milstein, Shlom, 81, 177
        Milstein-Rosenfeld, Fruma, 177
        Modernista, La, 166
        Moffie, Jopie, 128
        Moffie, Mirjam (Schipper), 154
        Moreno, Norma, 204
        Moria School, 119, 145-148, 152
        Moroccan Jews, 179-181
Mor=C3=B3n, Adam , 122. 152, 181-182, 184-185
        Mor=C3=B3n, Annette, 120, 121, 155-156
        Mor=C3=B3n, Paul, 120, 153, 181, 204
        Mor=C3=B3n-Gerstenbluth, Taicy, 204

        New Store, the, 55
        New York Store, 63, 159
        Noua Suli=C5=A3=C7=8E, 12, 98, 232

        Oberman, Traytel, 135, 184, 202, 224
        Oduber & Kan, 194
        Oranjewinkel, 159
        Oriental Store, 63
        OSE, 104, 204-205

        Pais-Fruchter, Frieda, 33, 106-107, 224
        Peicher & Kardonski, 41, 191
Peller, Aaron, 175, 209
        Penha, Julius, 72
        Pi=C5=82sudski, J=C3=B3zef, 27
        Pimsler, Samuel, 63, 81, 159
        Poupko, Rabbi, 121-122, 152, 182

        Rabinovich, Josef, 135
        Refreskeria Linder/soda fountain, 65, 161
        Relojeria Alemana, 171
        Refinery (Shell), 11, 54, 57, 62, 94, 161, 164, 169, 210-211, 226, 230
        Renaissance, 173
        Riks, Benjamin, 116
        Rivi=C3=A8ra, La, 166
        Roitman, Carlos, 116

        Sarfatti, S., 178
        Sch=C3=A4chter, Nathan, 78, 128, 133, 134, 148, 206, 213-214
        Sch=C3=A4chter, Rozika, 128
        Schipper-Moffie, Mirjam, 154
        Schmidt, Bertha, 149, 204-205
        Schnog, Alfred, Erika en Leo, 88
        Schrils, James, 214
        Seibald, Basea, 53
        Seibald, Benny, 139, 144, 166
        Seibald, Claire (Fixman), 116, 138
        Seibald family, 53, 77, 135, 136, 138, 144
        Seibald Jozef (=E2=80=98Dikke=E2=80=99), 109, 165
        Seibald, Leon, 25, 28, 39-40, 54, 78, 99, 109, 134, 153, 165, 181, 184, 21=
        Seibald, Mali (Gruzecki), 206
        Seibald, Moishe, 11, 13, 45, 53-54, 56, 109, 144, 166, 213, 228, 232,
        Seibald, Morris, 148-149, 201, 202, 209
        Seibald, Salomon/Sloime, 38, 54, 81, 166, 213, 232
        Seibald, Selig, 40, 54, 68, 78, 213, 232
        Seibald, Sharon, 136
        Seibald, Suzy, 201
        Seibald-Becher, Liza, 123, 165
        Seibald-Delvalle, Sheila, 208-209
        Seibald-Landskroner, Rachel, 109
        Seibald-Meit, Fela, 123-124, 134, 202
        Shell, 11, 54, 57, 62, 94, 161, 164, 169, 210-211, 226, 230
        Schusterman, Leib/Shuman, Leo, 111, 184
        Silberstein, Pesa, 95
        Silbiger family, 91
        Silverman, Ron, 201
        Sitzer, Isaak, 128-129
Slavensky, Pavel, 151, 209
        Slobbe, Bartholomeus van, 71
        Smit, Ben, 92
        Sniatyn, 12, 59
        Spritzer, Ern=C3=B6, 23, 34-36, 50-51, 98, 171-173, 193, 201
        Spritzer, Frida (Fuhrmann), 171
        Spritzer, Ralph, 23
        Spritzer, Wolf, 34-36, 50-51, 58, 65, 171
        Spritzer-Capriles, Ivy, 201
        Spritzer, Rachel (Weisz), 171
        Spritzer + Fuhrmann, 157, 164, 166, 167, 171-173, 193, 206
Sprung-Weisinger, Fanny, 66, 79, 120, 187
Statius Muller, shon =E2=80=98Eti=E2=80=99, 217
        Statius Muller, Wim, 217, 222
        Steiger, Ulli, 175
        Sterental brothers, 65
        Sterental, Mary, 205
        Suchar, Jacob en Moses, 194=09
Suchar, Philip, 130, 194
        Suchar-Cheis, Dora, 11, 22, 31, 34, 47, 65, 78, 79, 93, 94, 97,
130-131, 137, 194-196
        Swerling, Norman, 151, 154, 201
                Mikv=C3=A9 Israel/snoa, 9, 75
                Tempel Emanu-El, 9, 16
                Shaarei Tsedek:=09
        Bargestraat, 9, 77-78, 130, 131
        Scharloo, 9, 120, 131-134, 177
        Lelieweg, 177, 185
        Magdalenaweg, 176-177, 182-185
        Szmukler, Gersz, 67, 77, 79, 96, 133, 182
        Szmukler-Hamer, Sarah, 78
        Sztam, Zelik, 107
        Sztam-Faerman, Tauba, 106-109

        Tauber family, 56, 59, 135, 136, 138
        Tauber, Herman, 40, 48, 54, 62, 68, 96, 109, 161, 167, 182, 184, 193, 212
        Tauber Hermanos, 57, 96, 161, 164, 166-167, 212
        Tauber, Leon , 40, 57, 59, 62, 64, 96, 161, 167, 193
        Tauber, Paulette, 128
        Tauber-Indich, Miriam, 109-110, 193, 199
        Taytelbaum family, 91-92
        Taytelbaum, Jochanan, 203, 212
        Taytelbaum-Groisman, Lea, 203
        Tayvah, Rabbi, 152
        Tayvah, Paola, 156
        THE No. 1 Store, 191
        Torah Island, 154
        Transnistria, 106
        Trinidad, 194-196
        Truzman, moreh, 151

        Violetta, La, 51
        Vorona, Isaac, 107, 194
        Vorona, Karny, 206
        Vorona, Shura, 194, 212
        Vorona-Faerman, Liza, 106-109, 194
        Vorona=E2=80=99s, 166
        Vreugdenhil, 166
        Vries, Isidoor de, 194
        Vries, Jaap de, 194
        Wawoe, Gilbert, 212, 217
        Weinstein, Fannie, 128
        Weisinger, Fanny (Sprung), 66, 79, 120, 187
        Weisinger, Wilu, 34, 105, 194, 196
Weisz, Rachel (Spritzer), 171
        Welter, Charles, 89
        Wiznitzer, Abraham/Avrum, 23, 109, 129, 143, 175, 179, 213
        Wiznitzer Brothers, 23, 64, 80, 159, 179
        Wiznitzer, family, 137-138
        Wiznitzer, Mark (=E2=80=98Butchie=E2=80=99), 119, 128-129, 141, 191, 213, =
218, 223
        Wiznitzer, Moishe, 135, 213
        Wiznitzer, Rita, 125
        Wiznitzer, Salomon, 101-102, 129, 141, 191, 198, 213, 223
        Wiznitzer, Shmiel, 213
        WIZO, 204-205
        Wouters, Gielliam, 86, 88-91
        Wolf, Salko de, 128
        Wuhl, Hanah, 111
        Yeshurun, Ariel, 79, 152, 153-154, 174, 179, 182, 185, 186, 188
        Yohai, Isaac, 92

        Zadoks family, 91
        Zahavi, Gideon, 185
        Zahavi, Ori, 179, 185
        Zelkovicz, Hirsh, 150, 151
        Zigzag, 165, 169
        Zonenschain, Leib, 11, 13, 34, 138
        Zonenschain, Sloima, 179, 217, 218, 221
        Zonenschain, Sonia (Causanschi), 98
        Zonenschain-Linker, Rosita, 34
Zuckerman, Mina (Geiger), 45

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