Dear Noemi,
You have accomplished amazing things in your trip to Czernowitz. It is
wonderful to see our recent history through your eyes. Please send photos
and descriptions as you have time.
From: "noemi eshet" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 4:11 AM
To: <>; <>;
Cc: "'Ellen Birnbaum'" <>; "'Edgar Hauster'"
<>; "'Martha Birnbaum'" <>;
<>; "'Christian Herrmann'" <>;
<>; <>; "'sard'" <>;
<>; <>;
<>; "'ãðéàìä àøã'" <>;
<>; "'àéìðä ùôéøà'" <>;
"'gravits gravits'" <>; "'Galya Schon'"
<>; "'Gerhard Henselmann'" <>;
> Dear Czernowiters,
> I returned home 4 days ago. I dind't have time to upload the photos, but
> I'll do it soon...
> I spent 4 days in Cz. I wish I would've stayed longer....
> some remarks:
> I visited the CZ archive. I managed with German and a little Romanian +
> dictionary). There was a very nice Ukrainian archivist, (NATALYA MASSIAM),
> who spoke German as well, and helped me a lot. Unfortunately, I've spent
> just a few hours in the archive. I was 4 days in CZ and only on the last
> day. the archive was open.. (bad timing). Besides, I was with my 18 years
> old daughter who was board in the archive. I was lucky to meet nice
> Romanian
> archivists who spoke English and helped me with the Romanian....
> I found my mother and father's family members names on the scary list of
> Jews who were deported to the camps in Transnistria. I've found out that
> both families stood close to each other in the line. I guess my parent got
> to know each other in that railway station, before they were deported. I
> had
> tears in my eyes while touching these horrible lists.
> I've asked to search for info about my grandfather's KARA business, and
> about the family members. they didn't want to take money for info they
> thought I might not find there. The Germans speaking woman Archivist, )
> NATALYA MASSIAM, was extremely kind and helpful. she refused to receive
> any
> extra money, just a gift I brought for her from Israel.
> besides, I visited my grandfath3ers properties. the Russian woman who
> lives
> in the EX factory has told us that it used to me a Textile factory.
> Cemetery
> I was shocked to see the Jewish graveyard. an URGENT (!!!!!!!!!!) cleaning
> must take place NOW!!!! Despite the excellent cleaning work done by German
> volunteers, a huge part of the Cemetery looks like a jungle! the bushes
> and
> plant who grow there DESTROY the tomb stones!!!! I've tried to cut away
> some
> wild growing who were attached to tomb stones. I couldn't reach the graves
> of my family, because of the enormous dense Vegetation. unbelievable!!!
> as
> an architect who specializes in renovation, I learned about stone
> destruction, and Vegetation is one of the stone destroyers!!! I've seen
> seak
> stone tombs whose stone layers peeled off. tombstones who weren't touched
> by
> Vegetation, look good and it's possible to read the diseased names carved
> in
> the stone.
> I've also saw vandalism, mostly in new tomb stones, written in the Russian
> language.
> besides, people use the Jewish graveyard to store cut wood for heating in
> the winter (!!!). I've also noticed places where objects were burnt.
> (maybe
> dirt?)
> I've taken photos and will email them to you after I upload it......
> Mini, I'm sorry I didn't succeed to find anything in the graveyard. I was
> lost there!!!
> Besides, the plots must be mapped and signed as in nowadays graveyards,
> since it's impossible to find anything there despite the graveyard map!!!!
> I've tried to locate myself there, using the map and information from
> landmarks like important toms tones, but despite all my efforts, no
> achievement. I think I managed to locate the area where my family is
> burried, an even tried to reach the zone, but except scratches and bites
> all over, nothing!
> Poems that my father wrote in the Tulcin camp in Transnistria during
> 1943-44
> During my stay in Bukowina Hotel, I met a group of poet who came to CZ for
> the MERIDIAN event. I was interviewed by Michael Augustinþ for the Bremen
> Radio.
> A very moving encounter in Czernowitz with Noemi Eshet Rosenzweig from
> Israel who has found the house where her family lived before being
> deported
> to Transnistria. Her father has written many poems while in the camp.
> Noemi
> gave me a copy of the poems which she has found many years after her
> father's death.
> I had a meeting in the Jewish museum CZ with Professor Dr. PETRO RYCHLO
> from the CZ university, who showed great interest in my father's poems.
> Professor Dr. PETRO RYCHLO, together with Mr. Mykola KUSCHNIR
> Director of the Jewish museum and the museum stuff, have recognized among
> my
> father's photos, a photo of the poet Paul Celan with my father Karl
> Rosenzweig. (THE POETS Paul Celan and Selma Meerbaum were my mother's
> relatives.
> Shabath Shalom and Shana Tova,
> Noemi
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