Re: [Cz-L] Brunnerianer Circle

From: iosif vaisman <>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 13:19:10 -0400
Reply-to: iosif vaisman <>

There is a book on Brunner Circles in Czernowitz:

Eli Rottner, Das Ethische Seminar in Czernowitz. Die Wiege d. intern.
Constantin-Brunner-Kreises. Dortmund: E.Rudniccki, 1973


On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 12:45 PM, <> wrote:
> Dear fellow members, It seems laudable that the  interest in the exact
> ingredients and home production of Kvass has remained  unabated.. There was also
> a large Brunnerianer Circle in Czernowitz to which my  parents belonged
> before WW2.  I never knew anything then as football,  ping-pong or an
> excursions to Tzetzina took up my spare time.  From the  Wykepedia I learned that
> Constantin Brunner 1862-1937 was the pen name of the  German Jewish philosopher
> Areh Yehuda Wertheimer born near Hamburg. Has   anyone any details of the
> Circles existence in Czenowitz?  Harry  J.

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