[Cz-L] Project HEART - urgent reminder!

From: Yohanan <loeflery_at_netspace.net.au>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 20:43:12 +1100
To: austriaczech_at_lyris.jewishgen.org, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>, JG Romania SIG Mail <rom-sig_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, JG Poland SIG mail <jri-pl_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, JG Lodz SIG mail <lodz_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, JG Hungary SIG mail <h-sig_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, JG Galicia SIG mail <galicia_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, JG Belarus SIG mail <belarus_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, JewishGen Discussion Group digest <jewishgen_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>
Reply-to: Yohanan <loeflery_at_netspace.net.au>

This is an urgent reminder to all of us – there is only one week left to
submit questionnaire and participate in Project HEART!
If you haven't heard about the project, here is a paragraph from their

"If you or your Jewish relatives had property or valuable that was
confiscated, looted or forcibly sold during the Holocaust era, you could be
entitled to participate in Project HEART.
Project HEART is a nonprofit initiative of the Jewish Agency for Israel
(JAFI), funded by and in cooperation with the Government of Israel.
The ultimate aim of Project HEART is to provide the tools, strategy, and
information that will enable the Government of Israel, Project HEART, and
its partners to secure a measure of justice for eligible Jewish victims and
their heirs—and for the Jewish people.
Project HEART seeks to reach eligible persons, Jewish Holocaust victims and
their heirs worldwide, who or whose families owned movable, immovable, or
intangible personal property that was confiscated, looted, or forcibly sold
in countries governed or occupied by the Nazi forces or Axis powers during
the Holocaust era."
The link to the project is:
In Hebrew at:

If you are eligible to participate in the project, I suggest to you, even if
you do not have any document proving your claim, to submit a questionnaire
ASAP, before the 1st of December 2011:

It takes 20 minutes online; later on, anytime, you may add or remove
whatever you wish, but there will be no later on for submitting your claim!

Yohanan Loeffler
Melbourne Australia

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