Re: [Cz-L] Rescue Operation of Czernowitz Jews - A Joint Venture

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2011 10:16:48 -0500
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Yevgenya Finkel may also have written that the moon is made out of
blue cheese.
This does not mean that she knows the facts or represents them
I have previously read about some of the assertions of Yevgenia Finkel
and have found them just as unfounded.
"Nisht geshtoigen, nisht gefloygen, nor fom finger ausgesoygen"

It is possible that some Popovici authorizations were sold by people
who worked
in Popovici's office. But I am absolutely sure that my parents did
not buy the authorization
I still have, nor did any of the friends of my parents buy their
Would my father have bought an authorization for himself and not for
his mother?
Were all Czernowitzers who respected Popovici blind, stupid and

All the denials of Popovici's important and humanitarian role in
saving many
of the Jews of Czernowitz, is largely based on the Russian and German
towards Romania and Romanians. Read Shellhorn's own words and you
will see.

Schellhorn may have thought that the Jews were important to the
economy of the city
and he may have thought that it was better for the war effort to
leave them be.
Had he been such a great humanitarian, would he have joined the Nazi

And why did he do nothing about the revocation of the Popovici permits?
My family had a Popovici permit, but on June 7, 1942 when the
deportations resumed,
we had to hide in order NOT to be deported,
the same in July of 1942. Where was Schellhorn then?


On Dec 26, 2011, at 7:48 AM, HARDY BREIER wrote:

> Undisputable ?
> Not so , read Marianne Hirsch -"Ghosts of Home" page 314.:
> " Yevgenya Finkel writes in her book "Juden aus Czernowitz" that
> all authorizations
> issued in 1941 were sold "
> Disputable.
> Hardy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Edgar Hauster"
> <>
> To: "Hardy Breier" <>; "Miriam Taylor"
> <>; "Berti Glaubach"
> <>; "Czernowitz Discussion Group"
> <>
> Cc: "Jerome Schatten" <>
> Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 1:18 PM
> Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Rescue Operation of Czernowitz Jews - A Joint
> Venture
> Hardy...
> Yes, as usual, you are getting to heart of our discussion. For me
> too, the "simple" fact of an intervention is not sufficiant, the
> motivation behind it counts. I think, starting from the historical
> facts, additional researches may bring light into the relative
> darkness.
> However, good to know, that Traian Popovici's role is undisputable,
> not contested by the historiography and not contested by Dr.
> Hartwig Cremers's article as well and that the honorary title
> "Righteous among the Nations"
> was awarded to Dr. Traian Popovici with a very good reason.
> Edgar Hauster
> Lent - The Netherlands
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