RE: [Cz-L] Popovici --more data

From: Ken Cutler <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 15:43:42 +0000
To: 'Edgar Hauster' <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>
Reply-to: Ken Cutler <>

I can't recall if this was in the discussion about Popovici but these are his words translated:

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Edgar Hauster
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:12 AM
To: Czernowitz Discussion Group
Cc: Liviu Carare; Eytan Fichman; Stephen Winters; Ruth Gold; Frieda Tabak; Cornel Fleming; Miriam Taylor; Gerhard Schreiber; Irene Fishler; Iosif Vaisman; Marianne Hirsch
Subject: [Cz-L] Popovici --more data

Czernowitzers, dear friends...
Let's support our current discussion with hard data and thus let me draw your attention to an article under the headline
In my eyes, these are the most exciting and thrilling newly discovered records, which I noticed during the last years, brought to us by Liviu Carare, PhD candidate in contemporary history at the Romanian Academy "George Baritiu" Institute of History in Cluj-Napoca. He received a master's degree in Jewish History and Hebrew studies from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Actually he is completing his researches for his dissertation on the subject "Jews from Czernowitz. 1941-1944" on a scholarship of the USHMM in Washington:
FOR THOSE, WHO READ ROMANIAN: Download the original document [24 pages] from the website of the Institue of History "George Baritiu"
read and get horrified at the sight of the cruel bureaucratic description of the conditions in the Czernowitz Ghetto and of the evacuation [= deportation] of the Jews from Czernowitz!
FOR THOSE, WHO DON'T READ ROMANIAN: Read the following abstract and wait - together with meand with bated breath - for the English version Liviu Carare's thesis:
"The events in Czernowitz during 1941-1942 are a constituent part of the phenomenon of "ethnic cleansing" developed by the Romanian state immediately after the reconquest of the territories ceded to the USSR in the summer of 1940. The Jewish population of the city was enclosed in a ghetto as a preliminary measure to their deportation to Transnistria. The deportations were halted three days later because the Romanian authorities had realized that the majority of professionals and technicians in Czernowitz were Jews. These actions were possible due to the Mayor of Czernowitz, Dr. Traian Popovici, who managed to persuade the Romanian military governor and the head of state, Ion Antonescu to spare 20,000 Jews from deportation, claiming that they were vital to the economic stability of the town. The mayor attempted to stop deportations, issuing more than 3,000 certificates of exemption from deportation, but the officials of the municipality, the police, and the gendarmerie extorted enormous sums of money in return for these exemptions. Many Jews were deported even after they paid the ransom. The report captures the details of the establishment of Czernowitz ghetto, planning and organization of the deportations, but also how mayor Traian Popovici and other members of the sorting commission prepared the tables with Jewish experts in Czernowitz, saving from deportation sometimes even whole families."
Whithout minimizing, but relativizing the engagement of Traian Popovici, it is in my understanding clear and beyond any reasonable doubt, that corruption played a major role, if not the decisive, in issuing the indespensability certificates for the Jews from Czernowitz.
There are many Jewish names mentioned in the original document, but many of them were misspelled, so I tried to excerpt some of them, to correct them and to list them in alphabetical order as follows:
Albrecht, Samuel - Antschel - Bernstein, Isac - Blumenstein, David - Dauber - Faug - Fingerhut, Carol - Finkel, Adalbert - Flinker - Föbus, Meller - Friedwald, Clara - Harth, Camillo - Kissmann - Klein, Norbert - Klier - Körner, Bernard - Langberg, Kurt - Laufer, Pinkas - Linker, Benjamin - Margulies, Rubin - Meisler, Paul - Merdler, Isac - Neuberger, Dr. S. - Neuberger, Zeno - Polesiuk - Ramler - Reghiu - Salter, Adela - Schickler - Schirold, Tachel - Schmilovici - Scholl, Iakel - Schreiber, Froim Ber - Schreiber, Gerhard - Schreiber, Maria - Schwartz, Iosif - Sehneiorici, Etri - Seinfeld, Felix - Silber - Silberstein, Rozalia - Steufler, Isidor - Steyer - Sturm, Max - Teitler, Avram - Thau, Hersch - Vilenco, Marcel - Wittner, Max - Wittner, Solomon - Zenter, Louis - Zisu, Charlotte
Let me draw your attention to the fact, that relatives of our fellow members, for instance Irene Fishler, and even our fellow member Gerhard Schreiber himself and his family members, are mentioned in this unique document.
I wouldn't like to conclude this mail, whithout taking the opportunity, to give my thanks to
- Liviu Carare for his confidence and his cooperation,
- PD Dr. Mariana Hausleitner for drawing my attention to Liviu Carare's publication.

Warmest wishes to all of you enjoying the current discussion thread!

Edgar Hauster

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