Re: [Cz-L] czernowitz-l digest: April 11, 2012

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 12:42:50 -0400
To: andy halmay <>, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

I do remember both the "Pumphosen" and the streetcars - "Tramvaie".
The Pumphosen were always regarded with humor, but my father
wore them anyhow and I will look for a photograph to show them off.

Most Czernowitzers did not use the streetcar because the city
is very compact and it is possible to walk almost anywhere. Also,
the streetcar system did not reach some of the outlying areas where
it would have been needed most.
In Czernowitz I always lived in the vicinity of the Siebenburger Strasse
and along that street the "tramvai" was very useful, I even remember
using it to go to the Prut, which even though never having seen another
river, at age 7, I found very disappointing.
On the "Ehpes" website in the map section there is a map of the various
tram and bus lines. Czernowitz had tramcars, "Omnibuses" and Trolleybuses".
Omnibuses were regular buses and trolleybuses were driven, but got their
power from electrical wires overhead. For some, now forgotten reason,
I liked those best.


On 4/12/12 7:31 AM, "andy halmay" <> wrote:

> Re pumphosen and streetcars - I must be having serious memory problems.=A0 =
> I don't recall the word, "pumphosen,"=A0and I don't recall ever seeing a st=
> reetcar in Cz.=A0 We left in April of 1939.=A0 Some of the pictures with st=
> reet cars certainly predate our departure.=A0 Did I live so sheltered a lif=
> e? This is amazing.=A0 The only streetcar I recall was in Italy in the summ=
> er of '37 or '38.=A0 I jumped off a moving car before it came to a full sto=
> p and went flying with the momentum but fortunately caught my balance and d=
> idn't fall.=A0 I recall the driver or some passengers shouting at me for do=
> ing that.=A0 That's the only street car I recall before coming to the new w=
> orld.=A0 I recall fiakers and how in winter they would exchange the wheels =
> for sled runners but I don't recall streetcars in Cz.=A0 We lived on Strada=
> Traian (Splenygasse in the Austrian days) and there was a big square near =
> us a couple of blocks away and a big Romanian church another block or two i=
> n
> the other direction and Herrengasse was also maybe three blocks away.=A0 W=
> here did the streetcars run?=0A=A0=0AAndy
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