Hi, dear Marianne,
I have read everything your father wrote. You can imagine how interesting it
was for me. Thanks for publishing his memoires and, of course, for your book
too, as you represent our generation and our community of
In Siret: the mythological Tante Flora, my aunt and your teacher did not
leave my pregnant mother for one minute. During my childhood she often told
me: "I spoke to you. I said, please baby (It was "das Kind"), do wait until
we will be in Bucharest, don't come out here in this terrible Siret or on
the horrible train. You're a good girl, you listened to me. That's why I
love you. You must always listen to my words".
I always did.
More Siret: Meanwhile, my father, the Herr Doctor, was busy saving the life
of a good friend from Czernowitz, who "swallowed" some gold coins and was
obviously in critical condition. The panic was big, everyone talked about
it. This episode my brother remembers vividly. He was 5years and 9 months
BTW, the border crossings in 1945 are well described in Hedwig's and Lucca's
I think, in spring 1946 it was somehow different. A huge number of people
crossed the border in a short time. It was probably more "organized". Can
someone tell us more?
-----Original Message-----
From: Marianne Hirsch [mailto:mh2349_at_columbia.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 3:25 AM
To: Irene Fishler
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] My big brother and me.
Irene, thanks for this!
I found my aunt and uncle Bong, but not my grandparents who were on the same
crossing in March 46. My parents left with false papers in 45. My father
describes it a little bit in his memoir, on our Ghosts of Home website. I
guess you were there as a stowaway!
thanks again, m
On Apr 15, 2012, at 7:13 PM, Irene Fishler wrote:
> Next?
> Next "we" met in Siret (Sereth) on , March 24 in 1946 !
> You, the Breier-boys&parents were already 3 days old repatriates
> .(March 21)
> Check the list on the link below . ( our family was terribly
> misspelled
> :Erencrantz)
> http://radauti.blogspot.com/2009/12/repatriates-at-ussrromanian-border
> .html
> Can you please tell us how the "Sereth -episode" looked like to you
> and Fredi??
> My brother was too young to remember.
> I'm curious about this. How was the crossing of the borders?
> What did these "displaced people " do there?? How were they received?
> By whom?
> I belive my family spent there a week or more, until they managed to
> catch a train to Bucharest.
> They were in a great hurry to reach Bucharest. You know why.
> Thanks for the picture ,
> Irene
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