Re: [Cz-L] Workcamps in Czernowitz

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2012 10:41:27 -0500
To: Christian Herrmann <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Dear All,

Please excuse my long silence, I had some health issues, now all
happily resolved. I would like to encourage those of you who are able,
to join one of the work-camps. I know that both ASF and SVIT Ukraine
will be glad to have you. The work which will be done at the cemetery
this summer, will be easier than it was during the previous summers.
The major clearing of sapling trees, bushes and vines should be finished
and I expect that most of the work will consist of hand-drilling holes
into the stumps of trees and bushes and painting those with herbicides.
No widespread spraying of herbicides.

 From my own experience, I can say that the people who participate
in these work-camps, are friendly, pleasant and a delight to be with.

Purim Sameach,

On Mar 3, 2012, at 4:19 AM, Christian Herrmann wrote:

> Dear Czernowitzers,
> the eforts of volunteer organizations to clear the Jewish cemetery
> in Czernowitz will continue.
> Aktion Sühnezeichen will have a summer camp from July 1 to 12
> (
> path=fileadmin/Redaktion/Dateien/Freiwilligendienste/Sommerlager/
> Programmflyer/ASF-Sommerlager_2012dt.pdf)
> The form to register will be online in April, but you can leave
> your contact data to get notified:
> friedensdienste/sommerlager/anmeldung.html
> Since yesterday the workcamp by SVIT Ukraine has been announced. It
> will take place from August 5 to 23. http://svit-
> You can register here:
> For the volunteers it is always good to meet former Czernowitzers.
> It helps them to understand their mission and gives them a first
> hand impression about the city's history and the fate of it's
> citizens. So if somebody of you is around in Czernowitz during the
> workcamps, please don't hestitate to vontact the volunteers.
> I will be in Czernowitz from August 5 to 12. As always I would be
> glad to meet some of you.
> Have a nice day!
> Christian

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