Hi all, Please take note:
I am not as important person, I believe, to be a thema for a polemic, every
one from Cz., or Bukowina has his own story, believing it is the most
emotionnally and interesting...it is normal...we are human beeings, with
memories, feelings and a past...
The orden I got was not falling from heaven, like manna ..
at Pessach in the desert...
My young friend Christel Wollmann-Fiedler, from Berlin did an application to
the Prasident of the Federal German Republic, some months ago, with
documents, what I wrote in the last 14 years, ( 8 books, in german) and also
my essays, lirics in the newspapers, like Aufbau, NY, Neuer Weg,
Switzerland, in austrian and german magazines, in the time when I was still
in Roumania,So, without telling me one word... When I got the letter from
the ambassy I can imagine how astonished I was..
Please, you youngster, take note....let your old mothers and fathers make
their decisions by themselves, if you do it for them, you are cutting every
day a bit of their personnality, yes, I know your answer, you must help
them...in german it is said...hier liegt der Hund begraben..here the dog is
burried it is difficult for them...but difficulties make also old ones
stronger to fight against the difficulties...nothing is easy in this
Have a nice Purim
Hardy I must correct you, we leaved Cz. in April 1945,with a propusk baught
for our last 3600 Rubels...and the last scene in Cz,in the NKGB, in the
Musikvereingasse was not at all freilech....
----- Original Message -----
To: "cornel fleming" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>; "'Nathan Gross'"
<archnathan_at_hotmail.com>; "'Ariane Alpern'" <ariane.alpern_at_t-online.de>;
"'List Czernowitz'" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Hedwig Brenner
> [Please post in Plain Text --thanks]
> Re: [Cz-L] Hedwig BrennerAfter getting out of the Soviets in 46 all we =
> wanted was finding a place=20
> to rest our bones, as far as possible from the Russians .
> Rumania was the first choice , by default , from there as far as the
> feet would take us.
> This is what you call "aquiring nationalities".
> Much later we got choosy.
> No merits for this....
> =20
> Hardy
> ----- Original Message -----=20
> From: cornel fleming=20
> To: 'HARDY BREIER' ; 'Nathan Gross' ; 'Ariane Alpern' ; 'List =
> Czernowitz'=20
> Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2012 5:34 PM
> Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Hedwig Brenner
> Hardy....what about those of us who acquired a few more nationalities =
> later...do we get extra points???? Cornel
> =20
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