Re: [Cz-L] Katz family

From: Merle Kastner <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 08:00:38 -0400
Reply-to: Merle Kastner <>
To: Raanan Avi <>, HARDY BREIER <>, CZERNOWITZ-L <>

To all,
Pictures like these are precious jewels.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Raanan Avi" <>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Katz family

> Dear All,
> With the help of Mr Jerom Shaten pictures of my mother from Czernowitz
> were posted in the following adress.
>> Dear All,
>> Following the below details of my family , attach please find photo of my
>> mother, her family and she with friends:
>> M4= Mother in school uniform - May be some of you can identify the
>> school
>> (what is the meaning of L.P.F 11 or II? ) .
>> M1 = . Mother + school friends - My mother is standing 2nd from left.
>> M2=. Mother with friends from V.D 7/1939- (date is written on back of
>> picture). Mother is 1st from left.
>> M3=. Katz family =mother +brother& sister her Grandfather Baruch Blank,
>> her
>> mother Ester Katz. Her father Samuel (Sammi) is not in the picture.
>> May be the photo will refresh some of your memories.
>> Thanks
>> Avi Raanan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Raanan Avi" <>
>> <>
>> Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 2:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Silence is golden
>>> Dear Hardy and All other members of Czernowitz forum,
>>> I'm a new comer to this discussion group.
>>> I will tell a little bit more about my links.
>>> My late mother Feige (Foggi) Katz, was born Sept 1922 in Czernowitz .
>>> The
>>> family liven on O. Iosip st or Steingasse. The roots of the Katz family
>>> are from Sadigura.
>>> Her family:
>>> Parents: Samuel (Sammi) Katz married to Esther Blanc.
>>> Sister Miriam born 1930.
>>> Brother Shalom born 1932.
>>> My grandfather , Samuel was the owner of bus company named Simplon ?
>>> (not
>>> sure - living relatives don't remember exactly).
>>> They run away from Cze. on Pesah 1944 few month after 2nd Russian
>>> occupation to Bucharest.
>>> Mother'a aunts & uncle (Sisters & brother of Samuel):
>>> Katz Rosa
>>> + Scharf Osias
>>> Katz Regina
>>> + Landman Shlomo
>>> Katz Ethel (Adela)
>>> + Galperin Solomon (Shlomo)
>>> Katz Hersch
>>> + Rivka
>>> I'm 60 years old (born in Bucharest). Live in Israel.
>>> Until recently, Czernowitz period of my mother (and her family) was a
>>> "black hole" with little knowledge and no motivation to "dig in to the
>>> past". This is also true about the period in Bucharest before arrival to
>>> Israel in 1958. To much agony, to many tears from mother, and no
>>> motivation from me to ask!
>>> To my 60 celebration my wife and kids make me a present - A family
>>> trip,
>>> with my children and my granchild, to my roots in Bucharest and mother's
>>> roots in Czernowitz!
>>> Than I realize the very little knowledge I have about the place, the
>>> people the family. Un fortunately most of the family who was able to
>>> tell
>>> from direct experience is no more with us. Only my uncle Shalom Katz is
>>> alive and I learned a lot of info from him. But he also didn't remember
>>> some of the details.
>>> The forum the web provided me with a lot of stories and valuable info.
>>> I succeeded to identify the street were my mother's family live, where
>>> her
>>> grandfather live (Yudengasse) , even in the Ukraine maps - of course
>>> with
>>> different names.
>>> Now I'm looking to try and find:
>>> 1. The school she was attendaning. I don't have the name of the school.
>>> and
>>> 2. The Bus company my grandfather (Simplon? - not sure about the
>>> name),.Samuel Katz own until confiscated by the Russian in 1940.
>>> Thanks
>>> Avi Raanan (former was Frisch)
>>> Givat Schmuel ,Israel
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