Dear Ariane,
With the benevolent Habsburg rule Jews became affluent.
The town expanded upwards ,better houses were built
and the Jews moved up.
By the way , the old Judenstadt was the center of all of Czernowitz
not only of the Jews ! It was no Ghetto,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ariane Alpern" <>
To: "'HARDY BREIER'" <>; "'Edgar Hauster'"
Cc: "'Hedwig Brenner'" <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:17 AM
Subject: AW: [Cz-L] Czernowitz Pictures
Hallo Hardy,
thank you so much for lifting the veil! Now I understand. My next question
may sound stupid, but ... since when did the Czernowitzer jews live
everywhere in the city, i. e. outside the ghetto/jewish quarter/Judenstadt?
Ariane Alpern
Saebener Str. 19
D-81547 Muenchen
Tel. +49 89 692 61 78
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