Re: [Cz-L] Silence is golden

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 13:46:33 +0000
Reply-to: Bruce Reisch <>

Hi John,

Thanks for speaking up! Your voice strikes gold with me. I knew my
Radautzer grandmother (way too briefly), yet my Sadagorer grandfather
passed away before I was born. My parents were both born in New York
City, where they met. My father's parents met in New York, as well. For
me as well, I learn so much about the life of my grandparents and their
parents by listening to the stories that are told. I've learned about the
simple pleasures in life, the vibrant culture, as well as the hardships
and tragedies. Encouraging the growth of this group has been a tremendous
personal experience for me, and I'm glad it's been good for you and
others, as well.

Thanks again for writing,


On 3/18/12 1:55, "John" <> wrote:

>Hello all,
>I have been part of the silent majority for some time - ten years if not
>more. For me, participating is strange. My connection to Czernowitz is
>my maternal g-greatgrandfather, Elias Trichter who in 1891 at the age of
>10 left Czernowitz for New York City along with his mother Scheindel and
>brother Jonas. They went in search of my gg-grandfather Schmuel Hirsch
>Family lore, which I knew nothing of till I started the family research,
>had Schmuel scalped by indians in the US Midwest. Turns out he was a
>peddler who died during a sand storm near Salt Lake City, stripped of his
>flesh by coyotes. His identification was made by papers and clothing found
>on his body. This I found in a newspaper article from the Salt Lake
>Herald dated 1897. But I digress.
>There is no "recent" connection for me to Czernowitz. I have no memories
>of the city. The pictures and stories I read, though entertaining and
>enlightening, do not bring back memories. They do however help to see
>what life was like.
>I was born and raised in a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts and have since
>move to West Palm Beach, Florida. For me, my nostalgia is for my home,
>Boston. Nothing, in my mind, compares to it.
>Occasionally I will open an email from Hardy about a picture of
>Czernowtiz, such as Ringplatz (wherever that is) in snow and be reminded
>of Boston. This I guess is what most of you relate to. Memories of what
>In my research, I have come across Trichters from the US and Canada as
>well as Australia and Europe. This is reflective of the Czernowitz group.
>You are a diverse group of people who bring your different ideas and
>personalities of how things should be and how they used to be. Watching
>the progression of the Bukovina Cookbook was very interesting. Seeing how
>you handled the city's recognition of Traian Popovici was an eye opener.
>The website is amazing. Cleaning and maintaining the cemetery was a great
>undertaking. It is these which keep me here. It is this which keeps me
>connected to my past, however distant it may be.
>From the silent majority, thanks for being who you are,
>John Epstein
>Jupiter FL.

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