Thank you so much for your mail. I am not sure about the right answer to your question
"If there was not a Traian Popovici as mayor in '41, would 20,000 Jews have stayed in Czernowitz?"
but what I definitely learned from my research during the last few months, is, that Traian Popovici was for sure not a saint and the extent of incompetence and corruption concerning the issuing of indespensability certificates was so tremendous, that - as brought to us by and thanks to Liviu Carare - this Inquiry Commission was appointed, in order to investigate the irregularities.
On the other hand, when it comes to deportations and mass murder, isn't it preferable to have an incapable and bribable administration instead of a perfect functioning killing apparatus?
In my eyes, the rescue operation of the Czernowitz Jews was a - NON COORDINATED - joint venture, in due consideration of
- the social, cultural and economic position of the Jews in Czernowitz,
- the real indespensability of the Jews for the functioning of the town,
- the multicultural connections of the Jews inside and outside of Czernowitz and Romania,
- the positive, or at least not negative, intervention of the local German Conulate (Schellhorn),
- the financial capability of the Jews from Czernowitz,
- the support by the Romanian Jewish Federation, etc., etc.
Finally, please let me try, to give an answer to your points:
1. Popovici cannot be Righteous. - Why not? There are in total 23,788 Righteous among the Nations. Romania ranks with 60 in the midfield between Vietnam (1) and Poland (6,195).
2. Streets names and memorials are inadequate. - Street names and memorials come and go, even cities - Petrograd/Leningrad/Saint Petersburg - are changing their names.
4. Pictures in the museum and Rathaus inappropriate. - How many portraits of Czernowitz mayors are hanging in the Czernowitz Town Hall? Charles Rosner will know!
5. The Dustin Hoffman film is out. - I don't believe this project has ever been real. Czernowitzer would have said "Luftprojekt" by analogy to "Luftmensch".
Enjoying the discussion thread! Czernowitz-L Discussion Group at its best! More facts and figures to come!
Edgar Hauster
Lent/The Netherlands
Am 21.03.2012 um 06:24 schrieb HARDY BREIER:
> The Liviu Carare paper in which Popovici was sacked from office in '42
> because of corruption related to the ghetto exemption permits is a heavy
> blow to our sanctification campaign of T. Popovici.
> If the allegations prove right then:
> 1. Popovici cannot be Righteous.
> 2. Streets names and memorials are inadequate.
> 4. Pictures in the museum and Rathaus inappropriate.
> 5. The Dustin Hoffman film is out.
> There remains only one little question which nags my brain:
> If there was not a Traian Popovici as mayor in '41 would 20,000 jews
> have stayed in Czernowitz ?
> Hardy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Edgar Hauster" <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>
> To: "cornel fleming" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
> Cc: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>; "Liviu Carare"
> <lcarare_at_yahoo.com>; "Eytan Fichman" <fichblue_at_aol.com>; "Stephen Winters"
> <stephen.winters_at_atlantichealth.org>; "Ruth Gold" <glasgold_at_bellsouth.net>;
> "Frieda Tabak" <frieda_tabak_at_yahoo.com>; "Taylor Miriam"
> <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>; "Gerhard Schreiber" <gerhardrodica_at_aol.com>;
> "Fishler Irene" <irenef_at_netvision.net.il>; "Iosif Vaisman"
> <iosif.vaisman_at_gmail.com>; "Marianne Hirsch" <mh2349_at_columbia.edu>; "Breier
> Hardy" <hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Popovici
>> Cornel...
>> Thank you! According to yesterday's phone conversation with Liviu =
>> Carare, he is supposed to complete his thesis by October this year and =
>> it will be most probably in English, including the present article. I'm =
>> waiting eagerly on the publication, as perhaps most of us do.
>> Best wishes!
>> Edgar Hauster
>> The Netherlands
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