Nathan, this is indeed a very interesting story !!!
All the best.
From: <>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 8:53 PM
To: <>
Subject: [Cz-L] Popovici Permit - another miraculous story
> [Please post in Plain Text mode; that will get rid of all the weird
> characters
> in your message --thanks]
> Dear List Members,=20
> My aunt Celine Osterer (now living in Paris) just recounted to me her
> mirac=
> ulous story of the Popovici Permit.=20
> During the 1942 deportations my father ( Berl G=C3=A4rtner=20
> ) =C2=A0 went to obtain the coveted permits for his family:=20
> - himself, my mother (nee Singer) =C2=A0and myself (2 years old at the
> time=
> ),=20
> - as well as for his in-laws the Osterers: my grandma, grandpa and my aunt
> =
> Celine (a teenager at the time).=20
> He was able to obtain (after suitable payment) the permit for us, but not
> f=
> or the in-laws.=C2=A0 They were scheduled for deportation and boarded
> (toge=
> ther with=C2=A0other members of the family)=C2=A0the train to Transnistria
> =
> and to virtually assured death.=20
> The train started to depart, but inexplicably stopped after a couple
> hundre=
> d meters. My aunt saw a water faucet nearby and, with her usual charm,
> pers=
> uaded the guard to let her off the train and fill a bottle since they had
> n=
> o other food or drinks with them.While on the ground she saw at a dista nt
> =
> hill=C2=A0 my father, together with a Romanian uniformed man , running
> towa=
> rd the train with newly minted certficates for the Osterers.=C2=A0 They
> wer=
> e saved and returned to the Ghetto to be with us in Czernowitz =C2=A0for
> th=
> e remainder of the war.=20
> What a story . . . .=20
> Nathan Gartner ( G=C3=A4rtner)=20
> Newton, Massachusetts=20
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