Thank you for the kind welcome.=A0 I live in NJ, and I have alr=
eady joined the Romanian listserve, very handy since my father's family did=
n't stick to one town as my mother's family did in Lithuania.=A0 =0A=A0=0AT=
hank you also for those who found my great-grandmother's tombstone on Jewis=
hgen.=A0 That's a wonderful resource that I've been using for years.=A0 I'v=
e been exploring the Chernovitz site and am very excited about the plethera=
of digitized records that are coming out.=A0 I'm hoping to find newspaper =
articles, or obituaries now.=A0 Something that I don't think is possible on=
my mother's side as they were mostly peasants in a small town.=A0 From wha=
t I've learned of Chernovitz, Novoselitsa and my father's family, they were=
fairly well off before the Holocaust and I'm hoping that means more newspa=
per mentions or articles.=A0 I'm very excited about all the digitization of=
records.=0A=A0=0AMy second question is about those Russian/Soviet records.=
=A0 At about 1941, I believe, when the Russians came through Chernovitz, co=
nscripting young Jewish men, they took my Great-uncles, Yankel and Bora Lit=
man.=A0 I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas about how I can further tr=
ack their fates.=A0 Is there any records of that?=0A=A0=0AThanks all,=0ALis=
a Cohn, Wayne, NJ=0ALITMAN - Novoselitsa, Chernovitz, Botosani=0ACOHN - Bot=
osani, Cheernovitz, Bucarest...=0A=0A--------------------------------------=
-------------------------------------=0A"When the road before you splits in=
=A0two....=0Atake the third path"=A0=0A- Ancient Talaxian Saying=0A=A0=0A =
=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: Merle Kastner <merlek_at_video=>=0ATo: Miriam Taylor <>; Lisa Cohn <aforestclea=> =0ACc: Chernovitz genealogy list <>=
=0ASent: Monday, April 23, 2012 12:38 PM=0ASubject: Re: [Cz-L] Military an=
d other records=0A =0ADear Lisa,=0A=0AWelcome to the list!=A0 Please send =
me your photo and tell us=0Awhere you live - it will be my pleasure to put =
your photo in=0Athe Photos of List Members album on the Ehpes site:=0Ahttp:=
// (see the menu on the left=0Aside of the home page=
).=0A=0AAlso - are you familiar with the RomaniaSIG (special interest=0Agro=
up) on the JewishGen site?=0A may find somet=
hing of=0Ainterest on your Romanian connections there:=0Ahttp://www.jewishg=
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