Re: [Cz-L] Our Origins

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 05:40:19 +0300
To: Miriam Taylor <>, cornel fleming <>

Silk route was a land route.
 Czernowitz even today is ( was) on the Schmatte route - cheap jeans are
manufactured in Istanbul and hauled in giant bales atop cars and
buses for marketing in Cz bazaars which are the biggest in the
 Also counterfeit american cigarettes and wedding gowns which is
  a Cz. speciality.
   They have a bazaar on the left side of the Prut ,the biggest around
    where you can find all your heart's desire.
   During the latest Prut flooding hundreds of mannequins went down
   the river,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "cornel fleming" <>
Cc: "'Robert Burton'" <>; "'HARDY BREIER'"
<>; "'Hedwig Brenner'" <>;
"'alexander rosner'" <>; "'CZERNOWITZ-L'"
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Our Origins

> Czernowitz most certainly was not on the Silk Route,
> which anyhow was mostly a sea route.
> Czernowitz was part of the Polish kingdom till about 1400.
> During that time it might have been on the trade route from Krakow
> or Warsaw to Odessa.
> Sometime between 1451 and 1520 the area was conquered by the Ottomans.
> Mimi
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