Re: [Cz-L] Ruthenian

From: alexander rosner <>
Date: Sun, 06 May 2012 16:34:06 +0100
Reply-to: alexander rosner <>


Hahaha,  it's a good approach and it is good to know somebody who speaks Goyish fluently!
By the way: "Ruthenian" is an old fashioned termfor the Ukrainian language
which was used in the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy. In the Russian monarchy another term
was used: "Malorusskiy" (meaning little Russian), which was gradually replaced (by the Ukrainians)
with "Ukrainskiy yazyk" or "Ukrayinska mova" in the second half of the XIX century.
Ruthenian is today  considered a predecessor of the modern Ukrainian and Belorussian,
it was spoken in late middle ages and early modern times.
It was the main language in the Great Lituanian Kingdom, for instance.

The term "Ruthenians" (German "Ruthenen") probably derives from the slavonik
"Rusini"/"Rusene" which probably was the self description of the descendants of Rus
who lived in in the areas of Great Lituania and Poland.

----- Ursprüngliche Message -----
> CC:
> Gesendet: 17:02 Samstag, 5.Mai 2012
> Betreff: [Cz-L] Ruthenian
> I have tried to understand the linguistic problems of the
> Ukraine and can tell you that is a very complicated matter:
> 14 dialects and Russian too .
> I therefore will resort to my Babe who was an expert.
>   She said : " You either speak Yiddish or Goyish."
>   She spoke both fluently.
> Hardy
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