[Please post in Plain Text --thanks]
This great-grandmother did not grow up in Czernowitz. I am pretty sure that=
she was from Grzymalow or Graymalow. I think there are 2 cities by this na=
me=2C one in present-day Poland and one in present-day Ukraine..I am not su=
re that there are 2 Grzymalows=2C however.....
The fact that she reported Ruthenian as her first language leads me to thin=
k the town must have been in Ukraine....I wish I knew!
> CC: alexanderrosner_at_yahoo.de=3B hardy3_at_bezeqint.net=3B czernowitz-l_at_corne=
> From: mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu thi U
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Ruthenian
> Date: Sun=2C 6 May 2012 19:24:58 -0400
> To: judithlbaker_at_hotmail.com
> In Czernowitz=2C well to do families employed maids from the villages.
> These maids did not speak German and small children learned
> Ruthenian from them. I remember one such maid=2C her name was Anetza
> and I liked her very much. Unfortunately=2C when I was about a year old=
> my parents hired a German speaking Kinder-Freulein for me and Anetza
> went back to sweeping=2C washing floors and taking care of the cow.
> Freulein Mitzi force-fed me mushy bread which she soaked in cocoa=2C
> which resulted in cocoa stained walls=2C and to my great relief the =20
> firing of Freulein Mitzi.
> Mimi
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