Re: [Cz-L] Putna Valley

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 23:50:39 +0200
To: Bruce Reisch <>,
Reply-to: Hedwig Brenner <>

Hi Bruce,
I am sorry, I did not know somebody in Pautna, only thr Rosengartens and
Berler familyI met also Norbert Fleminger, who married shorly before the war
Lilly Shusterowitsh and went to Londonand I met some yrars ago in Jerusalem,
in Beth Abraham, a Boarding House founded by some nons from Germany for
surviver of te Holocaust, for 7 days, they havea little bus, showed us
Jerusalem and some Kibuzzim,prepared for us the bests meals and put a
festive table friday evening with Kiddush...There I met Mr.Schulman with his
wife, he lived until the war in Putna, sure he knew your relatives...If you
are interested, I must look for somebody who knows his new adress...
Hag Leg ba Omer sameah
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Reisch" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Putna Valley

Hi Hedwig,

What a terrible time it was - to lose friends in such awful ways. It's
important that we don't forget.

By any chance, did you ever meet my great uncle Yacov REISCH, or my great
aunt, Suzi SCHACHTER, who later married Yacov? They lived for some time
in Putna, and emigrated to what was to become Israel in the 1930s. Yacov
was born in Sadagora and Suzi was from Radautz. They lived for many years
on Arlozoroff St. in Haifa, between Hadar and Carmel, not far from you.
Yacov died in 1984 and Suzi in 1998.

Did anyone on the list know Mendel HOLLINGER of Czernowitz? He married
Suzi REISCH in Cz. in the 1930s and this somehow made it easier for her to
emigrate to Palestine. It was strictly a marriage of convenience, only
for the purpose (I believe) of obtaining visas or passports. They
divorced formally just months after marriage.

Does anyone else know of such marriages arranged to make it easier to

I actually have Yacov's driver's license from Putna in my "treasure"

Best always,

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