Dear Leo,
I lived in Israel between 2000 and 2006. My husband stayed in Chile and =
he became very close to my late Czernowitzerin mother here, in =
Santiago. He asked her about her life and wrote some notes.
My mother was born in 1922, so she should have gone to elementary school =
around 1928 to 1934. From my husband's notes it is possible to see that =
her school was for boys and girls, Jewish and non Jewish. Mother told my =
husband that children were entitled to choose the religion they would =
study at school, whether Jewish or Orthodox Christian with specific =
teachers in each case. The rest of the teachers were the same for all =
the children. Every day, before starting the lessons, the children were =
gathered together to sing, praise and thank God.
Unfortunately, he did not register the name of the school.=20
I do remember my mother telling me about her early learning of German at =
school from a Jewish teacher. At one point, German was no longer allowed =
at schools and they could only learn in Romanian officially. But =
apparently the teachinjg of German did not stop. I remember how proud my =
mother was of her German.
My mother lived near her school, at walking distance, in Strada Pitei =
When she was older, mother went to a technical school where she was =
taught how to sew.=20
I wish I would have asked more when mother was alive....
Best regards to Marianne with whom I shared wonderful moments when she =
visited Santiago.
All the best,
Sally Bendersky
Santiago, Chile
-----Mensaje original-----=20
From: Leo Spitzer=20
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 4:24 AM=20
Subject: [Cz-L] School questions=20
Marianne and I are working on a series of essays about school photos.
Of course, we also want to focus on such images taken at different
periods of time in Czernowitz/ Cern=C3=A2u=C8=9Bi/Chernovtsi/ =
We=E2=80=99ve followed the interesting List-member discussions over the =
about schools (and have viewed all the school photos on EHPES). But we
still have a number of questions about schools, and would very much
appreciate some background help from the senior members of the List
who actually attended these institutions in the interwar period and in
the early 1940s.
A. Elementary (primary) schools, 1918-1940 (during the Romanian era,
pre-2nd War:
1. Were the schools largely mixed in ethnicity (Jews, Romanians,
Ukrainians, etc.)? Mixed in gender (boys and girls)? Were there any
that primarily taught a single group?
2. Did all schools also have to include some instruction related to =
3. What were the names of some of the elementary (primary schools) -
private and public?
B. Secondary (high school education), 1918-1940:
1. Were ALL public and private gymnasia and lyceums mixed in ethnicity
(Jews, Romanians, Ukrainians, etc?
Did any teach BOTH males and females?
3. Curriculum? What subjects were taught?
4. Could you review the names of the secondary schools for us -
private and public?
5. What is the difference between a Gymnasium and a Lyceum?
C. Specific questions:
1. (for Berti Glaubach??): could you tell us more about the =
school you attended?
2. We are confused about the Safa Ivria school: was it only an
=E2=80=9Cafter-school=E2=80=9D program teaching the Hebrew language and =
Jewish culture
=E2=80=93 or was it a state recognized school that taught a full =
What grade levels did it include?
3. Does anyone the history of the Hoffmann Lyzeum? When was it
created? We know it was later renamed.
D. During the war years =E2=80=93 after the ghetto closure: Could you =
tell us
a bit more about the grades covered and instruction at the
=E2=80=9CImprovised=E2=80=9D school in (or next to?) the Toynbeehalle =
that was
organized by the Jewish Kultusgemeinde?
Whatever help any of you can offer us will be immensely appreciated!!!
Many, many thanks! Leo & Marianne
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