Re: [Cz-L] ORT school

Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 08:32:27 +0200
To: "Winters, Stephen" <>, Leo Spitzer <>, jerome schatten <>, <>, <>

What , which movie theatre ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Winters, Stephen" <>
To: "Leo Spitzer" <>; "jerome schatten"
<>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 4:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] ORT school

My father believes that there were actually three ORT schools:

1. Past the male and female elementary schools on Ladhausgasse - all girls;
2. On the side of the Jewish Community center - day as well as evening
classes - coedl evening classes for those who worked as apprentices during
the day.
3 A vocational ORT school behind the movie theatre.


From: on behalf of Leo Spitzer
Sent: Thu 10/25/2012 4:02 AM
To: jerome schatten;; Winters, Stephen;
Subject: [Cz-L] ORT school

Thanks for reminding us of the ORT school, Stephen, and thanks for
posting an ORT school photo on the web, Jerome. That photo seems to
have been taken before the war (it has ORT, Cernauti, imprinted on it.
 ORT schools for Jewish education and vocational training were started
in Russia, under the Tsar, but then spread far and wide -- always
privately funded by philanthropists and philanthropic organizations.
They are still going strong, especially in Latin America. And, as far
as I know, they were always co-educational (male & female) so the
posted photo is puzzling in that regard.

So here is my question: was the "Improvised" school in (or next to?)
the Toynbeehalle that was organized by the Jewish Kultusgemeinde
during the war years -- and that some of you (Hardy? Berti?) attended
-- an ORT supported school?
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